For the Brawler, try to stay around mid range and use your basic attacks in a combination of M&V (
Malice & Verdict ). As soon as the enemy starts to run, cast your Drafting Dark in that direction to chase them. For teamfights use Drifting Dark in the direction of the most important target(s) and focus them down until they're dead (you can use your ult to sleep anybody on your tail if needed). Then turn to your team and repeat.
Try to keep the enemy right at the edge of your M&V (
Malice & Verdict ) range while constantly shooting them with it. If they try to engage closer use
Drifting Dark in the opposite direction and run with your
Drifting Dark while still shooting them with M&V. For teamfights try to use your ult to sleep as many people as possible, then use
Drifting Dark in combination with M&V to hit them with the empowered shots.
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