This build core is Tension bows, it works best with your passive and deals a lot of burst damage. Rushing this item in early game gives you huge advantage at beginning cause you'll get a lot of health back and at early team fights.
I found out that Samuel weapon power build equals Gwen gameplay, you deal a lot of damage but you get some health back. The best way to play it - is to deal some damage to enemy than fall back till you get your Corrupted Genius and Tension Bow. Basically passive gameplay and you don't want to put your self behind enemy lines.
This build is best for countering slow enemy's - Saw , Bapstite , Krul - if he rushes you, use your ultimate Oblivion, if necessary wait till your passive. You get the idea!
This build doesn't require any skills except you trying to escape or catch running enemy so you can use Malice & Verdict just to get that movement speed.
Team fights depends on your team, if they are aggressive focus on enemy's carry than you can fall back and try to do much burst damage that you can.
If your team is playing passive try to take out enemy juggler from distance and survive as much as you can because enemy team will try to rush you. When their jungler dies go for their carry.
This video isn't mine but it will help you know how to team fight!
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