The build
This build is purely for support
Flicker and it is actually pretty surprising.
Flicker has insane slowing power at the moment IMO and I think is surely guaranteed to be nerfed by next update regardless he makes up for pretty good support. Sure isn't tanky as other support heroes but he does live up to the SEMC role he is assigned to which is protector.
I start with Oakheart and either 2 x Halcyon Potions or 1 x Halcyon Potion and 1 x Flare. This is pretty much intuitive IMO and with
Flicker's heroic perk you can easily check bushes for hiding enemies yet fleeing is a bit tricky. An early Oakheart does provide you with a bit of cushion in case you're ganked. Another thing to note is the ability to get first. I've found that getting Binding Light first before Fairy Dust helps a lot in clearing Jungle. You help your Jungler clear minions and get to avoid taking the CS from them which Fairy Dust usually does a lot which is why I opt to unlock it second.
Once I hit level 2, I like to buff up my items with a lot of defense. This provides early paths for Crucible and Fountain of Renewal so you can provide support as your team pushes lanes. It's also time to put scout traps in key areas so your Jungler has vision as you rotate up towards the lane. By the time you push up, you should have flare guns at handy to pre-empt any ganks in the lane since by this time your team should be dominating the jungle. Keep rotating and placing mines so your Jungler can clear up minions faster.
I find that towards late game
Flicker proves to be tanky once you've built up the core like the Crucible and Fountain of Renewal. It's really helpful to max out B ability first then A and C. C does a little bit in changing the game IMO especially if you're playing Solo Q as it's hard to sync with team mates. What does change the game though is when you drop the B and the A ability to create paths for your Junglers to jump on slow and softened enemies.
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