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Adagio |
One of the easiest matchups you will ever have. Slow, long channel time on ult, relies on hard carries if roaming and being easy to shut down if carrying just begs to be hit by your abilities and getting destroyed. Without energy, you can easily destroy Adagio, roam or carry with a single damage item. Lock down the person Adagio is buffing and try to have a push ready to counter his ult. RB can only block 80% of the channel time on VOJ, either stun him right off or wait till his RB is over before stunning him. If Adagio is not near a wall, the best you can do is to displace him and lower the amount of net damage he deals to your team. Crucibling helps if you can't stop his ult from channeling. Build one damage item and rush crucible or atlas after FOR depending on if he is a carry or roam |
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Krul |
What counters Krul the hardest? Kiting. Oh look, i wonder which roam helps the most with kiting and crippling melee enemies from ranged carries? Push him everytime he runs towards your carry and watch how useless he is. Block a boomerang sword if needed, body or crux, and impale as he is out of position. Get a atlas if he occasionally gets onto your carries but more importantly, War Treads>cooldown>CP. |
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Ozo |
Ozo has never been a threat to me, since his release. He was always potato and in this patch where he is apparantly meta in some servers, Lance counters him so so badly. His main damage lies in Acrobounce, which can be deflected by your wall. Don't try to stun his ult with your wall. His real threat is in his jump which you should never let succeed. Always save your wall for him and he will be absolutely useless. Build cooldown and its a 2v3. |
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Fuck fountain if he is WP and get atlas. If CP, normal builds. The rest is up to you to bully his utter lack of mobility. Atlas and CP. |
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Flicker |
Get a contraption in the midgame. And, VISIONVISIONVISIONVISION |
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Petal |
Mostly depens on your jungle carry although lance has a very easy time against petal. Her main peak is the early game where lance trumps her. He also helps in easy clear of minions early game with impale and as long as no serious outdraft you should be fine late. Get WP and cooldown. |
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Alpha |
Alpha is a complicated one. She is full of plays and will largely depend on who is mechanically better, between her, or your carry. Lance does however, defend against her very well and will make her life a living hell if you time your shots well. Impale her from the back as your carry is kiting away. Save your push for when she aims her laser and cancel it before the animation is successful. Use your War Treads and push if avaliable when she ults and you would have saved a possible 1400 net damage for your team. Still, if your carry is absolute shit and can't kite, you can only do so much as to fend damage off. Build CP and cooldown as deemed fit to increase potency of crowd control. |
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Rona |
Push her everytime she spins. If she decides to AA instead, get a atlas for her. Otherwise, she is just a easier melee to deal with with much less damage. Atlas, War Treads, CP and cooldown as needed. |
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Taka |
Most say taka counters Lance but i think otherwise. Who can he kaiten over if he is out of range? Impale him when he is out of position and not AAing something. Wall when he ults your carries. Maybe crucible to block some ult damage for your carries but focus on stopping takas damage all together. Cooldown, contraption and CP. Atlas if weapon taka. |
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Glaive |
Impaling him will melt him. Pushing him immediately into the wall since he likes to afterburn my baes to the walls so much will cripple him. Atlas and CP, War Treads of lower priority and Cooldown against CP glaive. |
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Koshka |
Mobile which makes your impales pretty useless against her. Watch when you use your wall or she will rain havoc on your carries. Jumps in? Slam her and remove that speed buff and impale her. If push is avaliable when she stuns your carry, stunning her out before your carry gets stunned is possible. Cooldown and War treads. |
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Phinn |
Practice your crucible, your impale does still slow him and your wall silences him regardless of presence of walls. Roll around his abilities and pray for the better teammates. |
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Skaarf |
Bodyblock his fireballs as much as possible and roll out of a goop. Impale him out of position and stun him somewhere when his ult is channeling or being used. Consider aegis for more tank and bodyblock and get war treads and cooldown. |
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Baron |
Weird matchup. Not many barons are too common which makes a indepth counter to him difficult. When he is CP, he should be a very easy target with how pathetically slow he is, together with your ability to deny his only mobile option. using your mobility and your rolls well will kill him while taking no damage. WP is where things gets difficult. WP naturally has burst and can dodge you easily if he is talented. However, one good root from you and he is fucked. Having no usual sustain or high defences makes it a very double edged sword. Build a MJ if he is building stacks of you a lot and you want to be tanky against the hardcarry. Otherwise, rush Atlas and War Treads as deemed neccesary and build cooldown, and CP as deemed fit. |
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Fortress |
Get a War treads decently early and use your push to disengage of his ult and leap+burst. Cooldown is the better choice other than utility. |
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Kestrel |
WP? build MJ and Atlas. CP? Rush contraption and get Aegis. Get your ass in front of her and soak all the damage up and she will largely by nullified. War Treads, CP/WP and tank. |
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Lyra |
A even matchup which is harder for Lyra to play. Her sigil requires her team to clump which can lead to awesome mvp triple root>stun combos worth 4seconds of crippling on the entire team. You will need to burst her down before her ridiculous heal comes into play and wait for her wall to expire before rolling in or impaling. Abilities executed before she walls will pass so don't worry about that. Get CP for her. |
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Blackfeather |
Whether he gets shut down hard or shits on your ally depends on your timing and mechanical skills against his. Being mobile and able to dodge your abilities and its CC makes whether hitting your abilities incredibly important. Try to impale him out of position to whittle his relatively low hp as he is not attacking and try to bait his Rose offensive out before saving your precious push as it can cripple him HARD. Build CP, cooldown and try to rush Atlas as far as possible. |
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Catherine |
Eh? Both of you have no relation to each other, minding each others business and just protecting each carries or going after each others but not caring directly about each other. Just aim the carries and ignore her, stun her out of the ult if possible but meh. Build to counter according to what her carries need. |
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Joule |
Has pretty large AoE damage which you cannot block. Focus on bursting the harder carry of the enemy team and stun a CP joule out of her ult. Atlas is dependent on joules build if she goes WP and is not always neccessary. War Treads and cooldown. |
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Lance |
Casual. |
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Ringo |
Easier to deal with compared to a particular other meta wp carry. Has slight mobility but still pretty easy to impale. Impale + Stun > Damage and melt by your carries. Don't let him get out of control by rolling into him, atlasing him and ccing him. Rush Atlas, get a WP/CP item and war treads. |
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Gwen |
WP: Roll, atlas. Impale her for damage, root will get cleared. wait for skedaddle to stun her and just dive her afterwards.
CP: Flank her. Don't stand clumped up but spread perpendicular to where she faces. When she wastes skedaddle or shes too close, war treads in and melt her. For WP, rush Atlas. For both, get War Treads and get CP if confident of landing skillsshots and need a longer cripple. Usually, cooldown> Cp and focus on utility and tank. |
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Reim |
Easily can be a threat. You might be able to impale and wall but if you don't have a dualkiter team, he will get very tanky with pretty decent range and become a huge pain in the ass. War treads and cooldown. Consider Aegis for tankiness. |
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Celeste |
Oo. My two mains meet. She has higher range but you have excellent engage. Whether you get a successful engage or she pokes you out determines the fight. Roll towards her as she pokes you and dodge her stun if you can. Impale her will deal 30% of her damage late game which is ridiculous but if you miss... Don't bother with CP and go for Wp if you desire and cooldown while getting tankier. |
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Ardan |
Roamer being so high up? Ardans kit almost directly counters yours. He is mobile, can stop your burst of damage, can help in kiting, can block your carry from kiting is just really really annoying in general. All you can do is to hit your abilities and help your ally as much as possible. Build according to text on his corresponding carries. |
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Idris |
Idris can easily dive your carries and can blink or roll out of your skills. This makes it decently hard for you to control him. When trying to impale, do not overcommit and only try shots where getting rooted yourself is of little consequences. Wait to unleash your cc after he uses his A. Rush atlas, war treads and buy cooldown. |
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Samuel |
His A grants him a pretty good speed boost to dodge your impales. Impale him if he tries to poke with his cloud before stunning him out. Consider an aegis to be tankier and to bodyblock more. War treads is great and cp or cooldown would help. Hitting an impale does seal his fate, though. |
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Skye |
The Wp variation is more mobile to dodge you but does less damage to you. roll towards her and atlas and push her. Do not impale until she doesn't have speed boost from her perk or she suri striked. For CP, impale when shes in middle of FB or after she suri striked. Consider Aegis to block her but just get out of the way of the pain barrage. Cooldown, War treads, atlas for wp and cp if reliably hitting shots. |
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Vox |
Worst for last eh? A dash every 2 seconds with you being stacks fodder is no fun. Wait for him to dash before impaling at best or just roll to him, wall and atlas and pray for the best. Cooldown, Atlas, War treads. MJ if he builds too many stacks on you. |
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