i have multiple table of contents for different heroes, there is a general one for the map,scout trap placements, and other general things, there is a krul table of contents only for krul and there is a koshka table of contents only for koshka. the guide is still a WIP so i did not finish them
I understand the table of contents layout, but the General Table of Contents repeats. You might want to go back and check the scripts, because you may have not: a) closed the table script or b) added an extra bracket.
Are your items within each individual build listed in any certain order?
For example, in the 5 different builds for Krul, War Treads is listed as the 1st, 3rd, and 4th item. Is there any significance to that?
the item order is in the item tab lol. for example one of the krul build is bp, aegis, atlas, bone saw, husk and war treads and the item order is build bp first, then aegis and atlas, then bone saw and husk
Hmmm... WIP disclaimer? Because I don't see what you're referring to. The "squishy enemy" build you are referencing has War Treads listed first. I do see 3.5 listed as item order in the table of contents, but it's not written yet?
i decide to write a table of contents for every single hero and right now i only have the krul one, for some reason when i changed breaking point to the first one it doesn't work, so imma create a item order page in the table of contents
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I'm not sure what happened, but the table repeats multiple times and it gets hella long.
For example, in the 5 different builds for Krul, War Treads is listed as the 1st, 3rd, and 4th item. Is there any significance to that?