Early Game Top
Usually, your support will go with you and you should always start all the way at the end of the jungle, so that you don't lost money nor exp. This build doesn't really focus in getting to lvl 6 as fast as you can, you just gotta earn enough money for Tension Bow. You probably should have ganked once by now. It's ok if you don't though.
After Tension Bow Top
After Tension Bow, your attacks should do more damage and jungle clear should be faster. This is the point in which you absolutely have to gank at least once, so that your laner can get ahead. Also, try to send your support up to lane so that both of them don't die and that you can lvl to 6 faster.
Snowballing Top
By now, you should either be winning intensely, of losing at the same rate. If you are winning, keep snowballing with one of the builds. If you are losing, play defensively and just camp the laner. If the laner is always together with his/her/its team, you just have to get 20 stacks with your ult, Afterburn in, and unleash your giant combo, which should kill one person and damage the other two.
Team Fights Top
In team fights, if you are caught, its over. Basically, you should be the one engaging, not them. The way you engage is that if you see them in a group together, you Afterburn in, hit the squishiest target, and they should be stunned if you land it correctly. Then, you basic attack into Twisted Stroke into another basic attack and then ult, into another one if you have to. If you are being CC'ed or being hit hard, you might want to rush the combo alittle bit, by Twisted Stroking, instantly into ult, and a basic attack. If the person isn't dead, you failed, and this usually results in death, unless you are lucky enough to get a second chance. If you successfully pull this off, someone should be dead and their team should have taken some damage from your AOE skills. Your team should be able to win with a handicap of someone dead and them having lower hp. Usually after this combo though, you should be dead. So feel free to replace some of the items with defensive items, but if you do this, you must max your Afterburn for more opportunities to go in and poke at them.
Any Jungle Mob Top
Kraken, Minion Mine, Gold Mine, it doesn't matter. You should be able to completely destroy it with the amount of armor shred you have.
Pushing and winning Top
Your pushing potential is absolutely insane, as turrets also have armor. You should be able to take down towers by your self in 10 seconds, or with your team, 8 or 7. Basically, every ace your should be able to get at least two important factors, like a gold mine and a minion mine, or a turret and a minion mine, or just flat out three turrets.
Summary Top
This Glaive build utilizes the fact that Glaive is easily able to assassinate anyone without much trouble. With Tension Bow and Bonesaw, it should make it that so that others basic attacks and your basic attacks do tons of damage.
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