Pure attack Ringo by Willis

Pure attack Ringo

By: Willis
Last Updated: Apr 5, 2015
1 Votes
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Build: Pure attack Ringo

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Joule Most of her abilities are location based so,as long as you keep moving, you should be fine
Celeste Again, her abilities are location based, so just keep moving!
Skaarf Skaarf has never really given me many problems as Ringo and should be an easy laner to shut down. Just make sure to watch out for his ultimate ability!
Adagio Adaigo is a support character and shouldn't be too much of a threat in 1v1 fights; however, he is almost always with another enemy and any duo with him in it is instantly very dangerous!
Ardan Ardan is fairly easy to kill in 1v1 fights, but he gives any team fight a pretty big boost!
  No Threat
SAW Saw's high damage output should be a big concern, but his almost complete lack of mobility evens the scales a little. However, if he misses his suppressing fire ability, you can easily do so serious damage!
Petal Petal is also great at "runnin' and gunnin'" and she has a longer range than you. She posses the greatest threat in the early game when you are weakest.
Glaive Glaive is like a walking tank, but he is also slow! If you can keep space between you and him, it should be easy. Just watch out for his afterburn ability!
Krul Krul posses a pretty big threat to you if he gets in close; however, if you can retreat and shoot without him getting close, you just might have a chance.
Catherine With her stunning and silencing abilities, along with one that can make you do more damage to yourself than her, a fight with Catherine is like walking through a pile of glass barefoot, tread carefully and you might come out on top.
Koshka Unless you can keep space between you and her, which is next to impossible, she posses a MAJOR threat to you!
Taka He is fast, he is great at ambushes, and he can chase you DOWN, avoid him as MUCH AS YOU CAN!

Early game Top

Ringo may start off slow, with very low stats pretty much everywhere, but he becomes a huge force in the lane as the game progresses. First, grab a Weapon Blade and two Halcyon Potion, then head to the lane. In the lane, be aware of enemy heroes as you are very weak. When attacking minions, keep moving as you shoot to avoid enemy ambushes. When you run out of Halcyon Potion or get dangerously low on energy or health, head back to your base. While you're there, pick up a Book of Eulogies or Swift Shooter , or both! I suggest the book of Eulogies first, as the life steal will help you stay in the lane longer. After you get both of these, I suggest trying to get the two Heavy Steel , but feel free to upgrade your swift shooter if attack speed is more important to you. Remember, you are very week during this portion of the game, so it is okay to lay low and not affect the game too much, you shine in later game situations.

Mid game Top

This is where Ringo starts to become a force in the lane. The first ting you should do is finish your Sorrowblade as the attack power is essential to this build. Next, try to get your Serpent Mask as the life steal comes in handy while pushing the lane or in fights with enemy heroes. ( If you feel attack speed is more important feel free to get the Tornado Trigger first) Now that you have these items, feel more free to engage enemy heroes as you are now more of a force in the lane. However, be sure to watch out for enemy ambushes that become more frequent as the game progresses. Now feel free to get the tornado trigger at your leisure; however, I suggest getting it sooner than later. Now is the time to begin preparing for the late game. Start working toward getting a Tension Bow and invest in Sprint Boots . (Ringo is already pretty fast, so you might be able to put off getting them; although, the added speed can really come in handy.)

Late game Top

This is where Ringo really starts to shine. Now he can stand toe to toe with most laners and be pretty evenly matched. Now is a good time to finish your Tension Bow and Journey Boots. As you get farther into this stage of the game, use the scoreboard to see what type of damage the enemy team is dealing. If you see mostly red items, grab a Metal Jacket but if you see mostly blue items, grab a Aegis . Alternatively, if you find that you are having trouble catching retreating enemies, get a Shiversteel the slowing ability should make them easier to catch. Remember, this is the part of the game where you are strongest, so feel free to take a few risks. Just remember, you are rather squishy, so don't go crazy!

Ringo tips Top

1) You are usually the primary damage dealer for your team ACT LIKE IT!! Don't go crazy, especially in the early game, because you are rather weak, but do your team a favor and remember your role!
2) KITE!!! Kite like crazy! Kiting is Ringos strongest point! Feel free to go into practice mode just to practice this. It will come in handy later, I guarantee it.
3) Lay low in the early game, I know I've said it before, but it's worth re-stating. Late game is where you shine.
4) Watch the bushes! Keep a flare with you, use scout traps, keep a friend with you, it doesn't matter, just watch the bushes! As always, communicate with your teammates, call out danger.
5) Remember your Hellfire Brew ! If someone with low health is getting away, use it! It will follow them all the way across the map and get the kill.

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