Early game Top
Early game suits Alpha incredibly well, so often helping the lanes will help you secure large amounts of kills in the first 10 minutes. Often help down on the lanes and come down from behind the opposing laner so they are sandwiched and do not have a route of escape.
Late game Top
Alpha is a very skill dependent character meaning you must understand who to focus and where to be at all times, as your role on your team will be to take down their carries such as magnus or baron (who you destroy). Save your A ability for when they attempt to escape, DO NOT USE TO ENGAGE, this can also be a way to escape for you so keep track of its cooldown. Alpha is able to play very agro and stay safe due to her passive but try not to dive into their whole team without backup obviously, if there is an enemy alone who isn’t the captain that is pretty much a free kill so chase them down, this is why journey boots is helpful and highly recommend.
Get a sorrowblade as your first tier 3 in order to get easy kills on enemy laners and a serpents mask as your second for survivability, as Alphas B ability damages herself so this lifesteal from the serpents mask is highly suggested in order to be able to survive in a team fight or 1v1 with enemy such as SAW or reim. After this it is about adapting to them game, although I highly suggest journey boots and breaking point, as well as a reflex block in order to block bursts of damage or effects, such as ringo or Samuel ult.
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