I've Been changing builds based on new items from the update but this build I have here turns out to be the best of them all(cp kestrel build) and always remember kestrel is made to dish out damage not take any. The first item you get always is a crystal bit then as time progresses pick up a shatter glass which can bring devestaing damage to the Rene my lanes that's trying to last hit. Then pick up journey boots because kestrel may need to flee or pick up a kill and if you use the boots then attack an enemy your cooldown on the boots is reduced to 12 seconds (attacking heroes only grants this cooldown). If your going against a Celeste in the lane definitely pick up an aegis it's like a reflex block but has more armor. Laning or being in the jungle with kestrel aftershock allows her to clear objectives and farm quicker (500 dmg to non heroes or something) it also gives more energy which then brings clockwork into place. Clock work allows kestrel allows her to use her active camo and longer stealth time you can place and active camo right over the enemy (but be carrful because if they have a scout trap on their side of the brush it can mean instant death) but if the dont have any you could plant one under them use one shot one kill and they get stunned briefly allowing your team to rush in for a potential kill. Broken myth allows kestrel to pierce through the enemy's armor and can take them down faster. The infusion just adds to way more stealth time and more hero ability damage. Scenario- You have all these items in the late game enemy team is taking kraken you use journey boots to sprint down there, then activate active camo sit in the brush or hang near the kraken but far enough away to not get hit with an ability like lances B(ability) when you see the kraken aboubto be taken by them use a glimmer shot and that's when (the 500 non hero damage) from after shock kicks in you can steal the kraken activate active camo and push turrets or wait for your teamates to spawn. My ign again is Fuhgedaboutit try this build out you'll see what I mean. Keep calm and Vg!
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