A Kestrel with a maxed Mist is generally stronger for late game, but her ult is also good for finishing. With B maxed, Kestrel must play more reserved and has to wait for the enemy to engage her. This will result in strong burst damage and potentially a tea wipe in conjunction with a teammate carry.
Maxing C will result in a longer B cool down and overall less defensive cpaabtilies. Dealing damage with Kestrel's C early in the fight will require her to be in the back line, but finishing off enemies will be as expected at the end of a fight.
Both positions work rather well. In lane, you're going to be picking up a lot more guild to build towards a double sorrow blade and double TM setup. CS with kestrel is also very consistent and while it might not be Ringo, it's definitely viable. I personally play Kestrel in lane, but sometimes I go jungle. I will talk about the advantages of jungle.
Jungle Kestrel provides many advantages that lane Kes does not. Firstly and most importantly, Glimmershot levels will be picked up much faster. The difference between Level 3 Glimmershot and Level 5 is absolutely astronomical in the early to mid game. You will always be maxing Glimmershot in both positions, but you will reach early potential in jungle faster. The key to playing Kestrel early in the jungle is to have an aggressive, but protective roam with Kestrel during any invasions. Phinn, for example, while he is very strong individually, does not have the protective power that Ardan does and does not have the ability to grant Kestrel extra wiggle room early game without his ult. Ardan, Catherine, and Fortress, while they may not have the same early strength, are experts at putting Kestrel's targets in range. Catherine is my personal favorite to run with in the Jungle, as double stunning using both Catherine's and Kestrel's is absolutely demolishing.
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