How to Ardan and just support in general by LightningT

How to Ardan and just support in general

By: LightningT
Last Updated: Oct 7, 2015
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Build: Utility Ardan

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Celeste Don't let her stack Broken Myth on you.
Krul Don't let him stack breaking point on you.
Skaarf Don't let him stack broken myth on you.
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat

About Support Top

Your job is to peel and initiate. Flare bushes and provide scout traps. Don't build damage, leave that for your team. Ardan is the easiest support in the game. I will teach you how to play him at a Vainglorious level.

Vangaurd Top

His A ability is his best ability. This ability scales off of your health stat, so you should always build hp. Try to vanguard people at the start of a fight so they don't take much damage. When your team is chasing someone, use your vanguard on the person closest to the enemy so you can get the slow on the opponent. The more you use this ability the better, it should primarily be used to help your laner kite tho.

Blood for Blood Top

Just some extra damage, not that big of a deal. Use it to deal damage on the enemy carries, because this ability does nothing to the support.

Gauntlet Top

Game Changer. A good gauntlet will win you the fight. Can be used to initiate, catch people out, zone others out, escape, stun opponents, and trap opponents. Whichever way you want to use it, you can use it that way. I wouldn't recommend initiating with gauntlet, if your team isn't winning because you probably won't catch someone out and then you just wasted your gauntlet. Always try to get two people in the gauntlet, and one out or 2 out and one in. If they're rushing onto ur team, u can jump away from them and hope they dash into the wall. You can jump over walls with this ability so be creative. If the enemy team is running away this is a great ability to trap them. Watch good support players play Ardan for inspiration on how to creatively use the gauntlet. Theres so many ways, and it's great to know all of them.

First Jungle Clear Top

You start with IC one potion and one flare. Standard. Start at your backs, and as soon as your jungle starts hitting the backs run to the next camp, the health minion closer to the market. This way, your jungler will get all the experience and be lvl 2 by them time you reach the market. Make sure when he kills the back minions you are past the bush, next to the backs. That's a good distance away.

When you get to the jungle shop, flare the other teams bush and then shop. Buy hourglass because then you are able to use your vanguards more often, a scout trap and maybe a flare if you have the money.

Scout Traps Top

Always be placing scout traps. The most important parts to keep vision of are: your backs, the little bush near the tri bush, the tri bush, your market two, your market, put a couple around gold mine. For their side you should try to get a scout trap for every camp and in their market. However much money you spend, it's worth it. Trust me. It's worth it.

DragonHeart Top

This should be your next item, and it will build either into shiversteel or crucible. Crucible if they have lots of stuns. Heroes like vox, adagio, catherine, celeste, and joule. If the other team has 2 of those heroes get crucible first. If they have 1 it's your decision, if they don't then get shiversteel. Shiversteel is much cheaper and gives almost the same amount of hp. The active item on it is completely broken. The strategy is that you can use sfiversteel with blood for blood, and slow down their whole team. If you slow down their enemy jungler, than that person can't chase your laner. If you slo their lane carry, than that person can't escape your jungle. Slow down their support also because it looks funny lol. I normally go Shiversteel first, but heroes like adagio can really mess you up if you don't have crucible.

Minion Candies. Top

As soon as you get gold mine, put a minion candy on it and then surround it with scout traps. If you have to miss a jungle rotation for it, that's fine but DO IT. Minion candy on gold mine is pretty much unkillable, and it secures your team the nice 900 gold. Keep minion candying it every time you go shop. You actually don't need space to buy it, just run from the shop to gold mine and then really quickly buy a minion candy before the option runs away. It takes practice, but it's a good skill to have. And it's fun.

Fountain of Renewal Top

Build boots btw. Fountain has to be your next item tho. You can't say you were playing support without this item. Best item in the game, especially with ardan because your teammates can't get bursted down if you give them a vanguard. Ge† this while also buying scout traps, and minion candies.

Contraption Top

Contraption? Yeah. 30% cooldown means your vanguards are up very frequently. Massive health regen, so you'll be extremely hard to chase down. Extra damage for killing turrets, gold mine, and kraken. No need to buy flares any more. Also 200 hp for your vanguard scaling. Extremely good item on ardan, try it out I guarantee you'll love it.

Next Item Top

Build crucible or shiversteel. Whichever you haven't built yet. If it's crucible, you need it ASAP btw.

Final build Top

No atlas cauldron you wonder. Horrible item on Ardan imo at least. Doesn't help your vanguard at all, so it's kind of useless. Hopefully your jungle carry will build it, but you really shouldn't build it. Also no need to finish that chronograph, just keep crystal infusing after that.

Remember Top

Always stick with your carries, and bust those vanguards out as much as you can. Again, not a hard hero. You should't have trouble playing him. I just want to say, support is the deciding factor in a game. Low elo maybe not, but in high elo, all the laners and junglers are around the same skill and the support will change everything. There's a very few limited people who are good at support, and 90% people reading this guide who thinks they're good at support, I got news buddy. You're not. Support is my favorite role it's just not the best for grinding elo also you don't develop as much as a player. It's an easier role IMO and less demanding. Extremely fun tho. I wish I could play more support.

Anyways thank you for reading and hope this helps you become a better support.

Main Points Top

Cooldown Acceleration
Flare bushes
Place scout traps
Build Lots of Health
Shiversteel OP
Minion Candy Gold Mine
Vangaurd very often
Be creative with gauntlet
Fountain of Renewal second
No atlas Pauldron
Contraption third
Crucible counters stuns

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