To start it off, this build is made to deal damage at a very high rate, when you get stunned you can use your B ability to either run away or remove the stun to return to shooting at the enemies. your A is nice to check brushes or to slow running enemies. your ultimate is best when used while in a brush. because it takes a little time bevore the ultimate gets thrown, it can be very difficult to use correctly in a fight.
about Gwen's items:
Bonesaw is shown as the last item, THAT IS NOT CORRECT, you buy bonesaw when the enemy start to go anti-weapon power (for example: coat of plates). The bonesaw is shown as the last item simply because the best time to buy bonesaw varies between matches. It should almost always be bought when enemies buy anti-weapon power
Buy metal jacket against weapon power and aegis against crystal power. Most people already know this, but metal jacket is against weapon power and aegis against crystal power. You should choose defense based on that.
Choose halcyon chargers when most fights last long (and take much mana) and choose journey boots if fights are quick and enemies run away alot/you have to run away alot. Of course the halcyon chargers are always a good pick and should be your pick in most cases, but when enemies have great ways to get out of fights (for example joule's jump or blackfeather's ultimate) it might be a better pick to go for journey boots, it gives a little bit more speed and you can run about every 12 seconds (of course only if you're attacking enemies)
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