Things to Remember Top
Nothing you haven't heard before.
Keep your farm up and stay behind the median line in the lane.
Heal your frontlines to proc the Arcane Fire damage boost for your Agent of Wrath.
Use your ultimate ideally when they have fire on them, they're grouped, and you have Broken Myth stacks.
If you need to use it right away, make sure they at least have the fire on them.
Stutter step.
If their team has MELEE CARRIES, max out your ultimate.
If their team is more of a BACKLINE/RANGED COMPOSITION, overdrive your Gift of Fire over the max of your Verse.
Best Junglers to Pair With Top
Ideally paired with reliable and consistent gap closing heroes to activate the Arcane Fire damage buff. The jungler should also act as a frontline, as Adagio is able to do most of the team's damage while keeping his protectors alive.
Ozo This hero works particularly well with Adagio because he will heal for insane amounts when given the Gift. In addition, his gap-closing kit offers near-immortality in the Fold and a constant energy supply for Adagio.
Squisher gap closers can work but if they die things get ugly and the enemy team is able to jump on you.
Taka Once Taka hits level six, have him come up to lane and gank the laner. As he X-Retsus, give him both your A and your B to ensure he secures the kill and gets out alive.
Best Roam Heroes to Pair With Top
Flicker is one of the best roams to pair with Adagio right now. The Fairy Dust and Mooncloak combo make it easy to catch opponents in lane and quickly secure a kill. In addition, his Mooncloak sets up instant Verses of Judgement to burn Reflex Blocks and deal a huge blow to their health bars and their confidence.
Ardan offers Adagio, safety, and great ult positionings.
Phinn helps Adagio tank damage when he's pulled opponents in. He also keeps them off of Adagio with frequent stuns. If the enemy team reflexes his pull and they stay back though, he isn't very helpful for activating the fire.
Lance Helps peel and helps Adagio proc his fire.
Last Tips Top
You can secure Kraken with a Verse of Judgement
Try to heal only when you can get your energy back (when the fire hits enemy targets)
Try to be infused at level 12 and ensure your team has vision to force a fight in your favor and that you don't waste 500 gold.
Your game revolves around the smart use of your fire. Make sure you use it wisely.
And last of all..
High-Skill Tips Top
This is when you're skilled with Adagio and you have the ability to control him very efficiently.
-If your jungler sucks
-If your jungler is not carrying into the late game
-If you need the gold (you always do)
-If the lane is pushed to their side
then take the jungler's farm.
If you're snowballing then make sure to take the enemy jungle's farm and take the Gold Mine frequently to maintain the lead.
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