First Buy Top
Usually I pick up an Oak heart and Ironguard Contract, depending on their team, picking up a protector contract is fine too if they have more burst than your team early OR if your team is just squishy likewise I sometimes pick it up if your jungler has bad clear early
Early Game Top
Try to zone out their carry in fights but don't commit to hard because you're not tanky enough to pull off hard chases, I'd also get a fountain ASAP as Fortress doesn't really have any abilities that can keep your team alive, if I were to compare him to Phinn, Ardan or Lyra.
After Early Game Top
Assuming you have ULT and of you don't, you're probably doing something wrong, use your ULT when you think a fight is incoming as your doggos thrive when the enemy doesn't have time to think about clearing them as they're fighting you and your team, this lets them get off the Mortal Wound + HP chunk damage done wayyyy quicker. In fights, generally you want to zone out their carry but against team that have high mobility, it's better to be a meat shield and distraction for your team to have time to dish out some damage
Late Game Top
Assuming you're at full build, I cannot stress enough how key vision is for Fortress, it's very easy for Fortress to exploit the fact that one of the enemy is caught out or when they're taking an objective, you can initiate the fight with your ULT and hopefully let those puppets serve their purpose of building bleed stacks and getting that Mortal Wound off. If you don't have vision, Fortress's ULT becomes a SuperFlare late game, a 30 sec cool down tracking Flare which is useful if you have no idea where the enemy is.
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