"Difficulty: LOW
Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield. Incredibly weak in the early game, Ringo players should focus on earning as much gold as possible in the lane before picking big fights."
-Vainglory Summary
Ringo is considered a low difficulty hero, some agree and some don't. Ringo is the squishiest hero in the game making you have to rely on good teammates to back you up, and help you survive. As a "Low Difficulty" hero, Ringo is hard to master.
Ringo should always be in lane. He can be at jungle at early game, but it is not advisable due to his low health. Ringo is also a surprisingly slow jungle clearer, and prone to ganks. Low level Ringo does not deal all that much damage, it is in Mid Game to Late Game where he really shines.
Lane is Ringo's home. Killing minions couldn't be any easier. You have ally minions beating on opposing minions and turrets, to help you farm up.
Ringo is one of the best pokers in the game with his A skill the
Achilles Shot.
Double Down is Ringo's Heroic Perk. This ensures that Ringo's next basic attack, after killing anything, will be a crit. You can get this by killing Minions, Heroes, Kraken, Miners, and Turrets.

This is Ringo's A Skill, the
Achilles Shot. This slows the target by a certain amount, and a certain amount of time. The slow duration, and the slow percentage ranks up by levels. This is Ringo's burst move, and the one that's used often in team fights. It is useful for chasing down enemies to ensure kills.
Energy Cost: 32/50/68/86/104 (+18/lvl)
Cooldown: 9s/8.5s/8s/7.5s/7s (-0.5s/lvl)
Slow Amount: 30%/35%/40%/45%/50% (+5%/lvl)
Slow Duration: 1.5s/1.75s/2s/2.25s/2.5s (+0.25s/lvl)
Damage: 80/125/170/215/240 (+45/lvl)

This is Ringo's B skill, the
Twirling Silver. This skill is pretty much what any Sniper Carry needs. It grants you extra movement speed, and extra attack speed. With this it is easier to chase enemies, especially when paired with
Achilles Shot. This move cost little energy, so it can be spammed throughout the entire match. This skill is also used to escape unfavorable fights or ganks. Also
Twirling Silver makes Ringo one of the most mobile heroes in the game.
Attack speed: 55%/59%/63%/67%/86%
Duration: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6
Crystal damage: 0/0/0/0/0 (+0.8 Crystal)
Bonus Move speed: 0.75

This is Ringo's ultimate,
Hellfire Brew. This move can be fired at extremely long distances. The downside is the casting time. It takes about 1.5s to cast, and fire. This move is really good on CP or Crystal Power Ringo, but not so great with WP or Weapon Power Ringo. Upon landing a hit with this move, the target will burn for several seconds. This move is one of the most feared Ultimate in the game, it is devastating when used with crystal power. The fire can not miss the target, it will follow its target to the ends of the earth. Also it inflicts true damage, meaning it ignores Armor, and Shield. With good crystal power, this move is easily one of the most damaging skills in the game. The damage over time will prevent the enemy from recalling. This move can be blocked by
Reflex Block,
Aegis, and
Fountain Of Renewal soft counters it, because you can heal up some of the damage taken from this attack. Blocking
Hellfire Brew will not block all damage, it will still deal damage, but it will not apply the DoT, or the damage over time effect.
Energy Cost: 110/115/130 (+15/lvl)
Cooldown: 110/100/90 (-10/lvl)
Damage: 250/365/480 (+115/lvl)
Burn Damage: 30/50/70 (+20/lvl)
Your role early game is fairly simple. Farm up as much as humanly possible, and stay alive. Ringo is not the best Level 1 carry in the game, so keep that in mind when going into a fight. When Ringo gets enough gold early game, he can buy damage enhancing items to really pack a punch. Keep your distance from the bottom enemy bush, as you are extremely prone to ganks, and don't have a reliable means of escaping. Always poke the enemy when possible, use your
Achilles Shot, then follow it up with an auto attack to keep forcing the enemy laner back and make him lose more farm. If your junglers are going to engage or you see them battling the enemy junglers, rotate down to the jungle and help out best you can. This can often lead to early game kills which will help you in the long run. Last thing is use your abilities wisely, never waste any energy in early game. You need as much as possible to sustain in lane.
At this point of the game, you should be farming but not as much as you did early game. At this point you should have decent items to hold your own on fights. During this time watch carefully in the jungle because this is a point in the game where a team will want to take control of the game. Help out your junglers if they need it. Ringo's presence in a fight is intimidating, him just being there makes the enemy team think a second time before engaging a fight. Keep in mind Ringo is a long range fighter, never ever be on the front lines, instead be behind your junglers to ensure that you are safe, and they are taking most of the damage, so you can dish out as much damage as possible. If your team is behind in farm, level, exp, gold, kills, then use any kind of vision possible. Place scout traps to see where the enemy is, and use flares. These two items are crucial to taking back control of the game and catching up.
This phase is where Ringo is at his strongest. Coordinating with your teammates is extremely important, any deaths here and you or your teammates will spend 40 - 60 seconds waiting to respawn. Always have your eyes open, if you see that the enemy laner is not in lane, rotate down the jungle, you might just save you junglers if you do. Also, when fighting the enemy, always target the most threatening hero, or the squishiest hero. This ensures that if that hero dies, the fight will be a 2 v 3. But keep in mind, in most situations you are going to be the most threatening, and the squishiest, so be careful. Always engage last in team fights, don't expose yourself or you are dead meat. Always keep yourself protected by buying scout traps and place them in bushes, because you are prone to ambushes. the last tip is have good
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