Malene just barely got some changes done in the 4.5 update, SEMC says that it wasn't a nerf, but it was a slight one. her basic attacks now only do +(50%CP)y(100%WP) compared to +(60%CP)(100%WP) her A abilities got buffed in response to this, but now you have to play a bit more precisely with landing your A abilities.
Malene is a very powerful mage who has two forms. It is very key to switch between her forms as much as possible to maximize damage output and team utility.
IMPORTANT NOTE: your light and dark abilities have different cooldowns! so you can use both of your light abilities, and quickly switch to your dark form and have your dark abilities available! and vice versa as well.
Light A: this ability does decent damage, but more importantly it roots the enemy it hits. it does not pierce, so make sure to aim with precision! This is your greatest team utility tool, and can also help in running away from enemies.
Light B: this is your primary charging in/running away ability. It grants a shield and move speed for a short period. it carries over to your shadow form, so that means you can use light B and switch forms and still have the shield and move speed.
ULT: this ability is unlocked from the start of the match, and allows you to switch between forms. when switching to your shadow form, it boosts your first basic attacks damage. when switching to your light form, it deals normal damage to the targeted enemy and gives a slow to the target that was hit. use this ability as much as possible to maximize damage and team utility.
Shadow A: this is a dark version of your light A, but it does much more damage if all tendrils hit your enemy, and also pierces through all enemies, structures, etc.
Shadow B: Malene disappears and leaves a black pool at where you cast it, and slows enemies inside until it explodes, dealing considerable damage. this makes Malene impervious to damage and she can dodge ANY enemies abilities, even Ardans gauntlet or Adagios Ult. Use this to dive into enemy groups and more importantly, escape from enemies.
I typically always go mid lane with malene, as there are better characters to harrass the bot lane, but taking top lane can work in a pinch. i would not suggest going support with her, but it can be done because of her great abilities. I will not explain the support build here.
Early game Malene is quite powerful, so don't be afraid to get gold! she can even take on two opponents at once in the early game, so try and get as much gold as possible. going for aftershock first is usually the best path. after aftershock, start on getting your next third tier item, usually dragons eye, spellfire, or shatterglass. after getting one or two second tier items on ur way to that, upgrade your boots. from there it depends on your opponents and what build you are going for. ask for ganks if you are up against a laner that has more range than you, because oftentimes characters like WPcaine and WPringo can pose a big threat early and mid game. you dont really need a clockwork if you have halycron chargers., but if you need the energy recharge and cooldown reduction then go for it. If you cant land damage consistantly enough on enemy heroes, then dont go for dragons eye, go for shatterglass instead.
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