- Celeste is best as a laner, but can be jungled.
- In lane your A can poke and distract the other laner. It can also last hit. Supernovas can push waves fast if you need
- Resist the urge to spam A so much that you run out of energy
- Unless you're certain not to be ganked, be careful about spending your B. If it's a good chance to get the laner and get off a great trade, take it, but don't use it if he'll likely dodge.
- In teamfights and skirmishes, your place is in the back. Poking as best as you can and not getting engaged on.
- Don't be afraid to use your ult out of teamfights. Sometimes chunking the enemy team from long range can accomplish your goals.
- Against a taka, your best bet is to pointblank your ult when he jumps on you. Do that and hit him with the B and you may outduel him. Miss either and prepare to respawn.
- If you've built a good amount of Crystal (and why wouldn't you?) Celeste's auto attacks are quite powerful (though slow). Make sure to mix in auto attacks in between spells if anyone is within range
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