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Flicker |
Useless against you. His slow and root are so easily dodged and his invis does nothing against you. |
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Grumpjaw |
Have never seen him in ranked. Most likely a weaker glaive if WP and will be useless against you as roam. |
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Petal |
Two shot her. She doesn't have enough damage at all to kill you and she dies to you so easily. A triple ult from her and you might get bursted by you will very very very rarely face problems from her. |
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A joke. Early game, he can be ganked up by with your roam. Mid- late he can be easily atlased. Try to get an atlas asap after aftershock but even without it, it should be easy. Don't let him outrotate you and push your turrets down however. For CP, he has the burst but not the tankiness to dish it out. AIm for him and he will melt. Be extra careful of saving your ult for too long against CP saw as he can burst you and not allow you to even ult. |
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Adagio |
As a Carry, Adagio is a very easy target. He heavily gets outdamaged by you if he does not get a strong gold lead, which he shouldn't be able to since you can win her the whole game. Try not to get burnt by him and get comboed if you have trouble against him, otherwise he is just a easy target. If he is a roam or a support jungler, get a reflex block after your aftershock as soon as possible and target the main carry or whoever holds his buff and ignore him. |
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Fortress |
A very fragile roam and a convenient target. Don't let the wolves stay there and chip at you while you teamfight and he wont be too much trouble. If its CP fortress, he won't be able to burst you down and will probably still die to you first even if all three enemies aim for you. |
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Gwen |
Same as every ranged carry. Easily killed with barrage of B or burst of A. She can be painful so make sure your defense is enough. Her ult can stop your A so try to reflex that if neccesary. Her damage is very limited after you buy defense as she is mostly burst so as long as she dies fast, you win. |
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Ringo |
Same as Gwen, without the stun and having more sustain instead. For CP, get a reflex for the ult |
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Kestrel |
Similar to ringo and the like and Celeste for CP. She does much more burst, especially to you since you are right in her face and will take the brunt of her damage. Build a MJ instead of Atlas since she doesn't AA much but does more pure WP damage. She does have her instant mist as an advantage over Ringo and Gwen but her damage is much less than theirs and she should be an easy target. As for CP Kestrel, attack her once and she dies. As she will constantly poke, you will need to have a different approach than against Celeste since she has her deadly mist. Either kite or dodge her skillshots until her mist expires/ her mana runs out and dive her then. Make sure a flare is used to reveal any mist before diving her and she shouldn't be a problem. |
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Baron |
Similar to carry Adagio, except WP Baron can be very very painful early game. You can basically three shot him (B, B, A) but stilll be careful. Baron has this tactic which is to hit you once and back off to extend his already ridiculous range, go in and engage or B him and immediately back off; don't get abused by this tactic. Cp Baron is beyond one bar of difficulty. You have two gap closers allowing you to juke very very easily. You won't even get two shotted by a combo of his A due to your tankiness so if you are able to lose to CP Baron, you probably don't deserve to win. |
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Idris |
A weaker glaive. He can dodge your A but your B alone outdamages him. |
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Koshka |
Strong early damage which can snowball against you. With a early light shield, you can actually win her early game. Whether she steals alot of farm and kites you the whole map is another matter however. Just try to secure as much farm without getting snowballed and you will win late game. Be careful of her ult as you are dying as a 2.2 sec stun might cause you to not be able to ult. Aim for her carry and reflex as needed and you will win mid-late game. |
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Skaarf |
Same as Celeste, without the stun. He is the best among all heroes at killing you while rebooting. Ping for your roam to bodyblock for you as needed. Feel free to constantly dive him though. |
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Taka |
He can't do much to you but can kill your carry easily. If he engages first, aim for him and try to melt him as he is very fragile. If their team engages together, aim for his carry and you will win any 1v1/2v2 against him as least as you aren't dying on your last life. |
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Blackfeather |
Some say it's a counter to Alpha, I don't think so, at all. Blackfeather only has one life and with you being able to spam your B, your survivability and damage wins him by miles, not to mention him getting shutdown by atlas but not you. Go for the carry first since you are able to win a 1v1/1v2 against him anyways. If you have trouble with him, it's probably because you are getting outsustained by him so get eve as your last item. |
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Glaive |
Similar to blackfeather except for being stronger early game. Don't be as aggresive early game and buy some basic defense and you should be alright. Lyra and Glaive can 1v2 you so after aiming for the carry, make sure you have armour for the 1v1/1v2. |
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Joule |
Very fragile for a melee but with high burst. Make sure you get defense for her but if you get behind her she dies very quickly. She is a suitable target if she is carrying harder than her laner. |
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Phinn |
His stun can be annoying but it's not a big deal. His barrier is small and if he stays too close to his allies, you might get a free gap closer from his B. His C can be a free gap closer as well and sometimes, you don't need to block it. Unless it will get chained into lots of CC or you get pulled over the wall into immenent death, its okay to get pulled and engage from there. Be careful of his stun and just aim his carries and he should be fine. He is also free stacks when you cant get close to anyone to B but he can be deadly if your reflex skills are terrible. |
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Catherine |
Zero offensive threat to you(unless you have a shitty CP kestrel teammate who chooses to spam her arrows into a bubbled Catherine). She has two main threats against you which is to silence you before bursting you down, and to stun you while you A which destroys a huge chunk of your damage. To counter that, either reflex her silence or if you can't do that, immediately disengage after you get silenced. For her stun, either use your A after she stuns, use your A in a position where she can't stun the damage out in time or just reflex while using your A to guarantee it passes. |
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Krul |
Similar to Blackfeather, some say he counters Alpha. I again do not agree although Krul can be hard to 1v1. Aim for his carry and you will usually kill his carry faster than he kills yours. This leads to a 3v2 for your side and krul sucks anytime multi targets are involved. Even in a 1v1, you can win if you play around your stacks, his stacks and atlas cooldowns well. |
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Ozo |
He can have a very painful burst but buy some defense and get a small gold lead and you will win from there usually. He is fragile but has good sustain. Aim his carry first but he is always an easy target. |
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Reim |
Some say its a counter to Alpha as well but he can be outplayed very easily. You will probably lose to him early but you can even build two t1 defences against him. He really relies on hitting someone to get his fortify and you being a melee is a good target. You can however, retreat and then B him to make him miss all his A and kill him quickly as he would have no fortify. Going for his carry is as usual, the way to play Alpha but that is how you win a 1v1 against Reim. You will also usually kill his carry before he kills yours so the advantage will be in your team. |
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Rona |
Same as blackfeather, with less damage and more sustain. With a Atlas or even MJ( since rona rarely AAs) Rona does a lot less damage to you than you do to her even if she has an aegis. |
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Alpha |
Only in casual/undraft, ignore her and target the laner instead; hope your mechanics are better than hers. |
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Lance |
He has the strongest CC in the game which can be annoying towards a melee like you. His impale can catch you out and get you bursted but shouldn't be too hard to dodge with >t2 boots. His slam is the more annoying one which you need to play around on disengaging and then using your A to reengage before your stacks are gone. If Lance builds CP, reflexing his slam could be a good idea as getting stunned for a extended time can be very fatal. His early game damage is also strong but if you get the initiative, he is usually quite easy to kill early game. Dodge his abilities as much as possible and just aim the carry. Remembering that it is not always needed to conform to fighting and reengaging at the right time is the key to winning Lance. |
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Celeste |
As like any other carry she can easily be bursted. If you manage to get onto her, you win. The trick Celeste has against you is to stun you as soon as you engage and then kite you while spamming you with very painful heliogenesis. Your reflex and CC from your roam becomes very important, especially if Celeste has a CC heavy comp behind her as well. Try to juke or reflex her stun as then spam all your abilities on her and she should die easily. If she gets to stun you and have followup from her teammates, you probably die so make sure you rb her stun or her teammates previous stun so you don't get chained and die. Her range and poke can be annoying but if you ping for a coordinated dive, it shouldn't be much of a problem |
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Lyra |
Lyra is very annoying in that she has her B which stops any of your main damage which leaves you very vulnerable. On the bright side, it is for a very short time but a good lyra will use it when you use your A your A damage radius is moved away which could make it not hit her carry. Her heal together with that B makes reengaging very hard. My solution to her is to just target any ranged on her team and the most threatening if there are more than one. As lyra has no stuns and only has a very short cc, she cant really stop you from bursting a ranged carry down. Her heal needs to be executed slowly which makes your burst life easy. Be careful of her B and you should have a ok time. |
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Vox |
A stronger ringo basically. He excels at getting stacks then melting you so aim him as hard as you can. Do not delay engaging or disengaging or he will thrive. Otherwise he melts like the rest. |
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Ardan |
The hardest roam to go up against imo. His B does nothing to you and his C is just slightly annoying but be very careful of his A. If he stacks health, the barrier can give the survivability needed and together with the speed boost, it is possible to get outsustained and kited. If you aren't exactly healthy, you might want to backoff and go for the jungler while saving your A to reengage onto the laner. |
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Samuel |
Lots of sustain with good kite as well. Choose when you engage wisely and try not to fight him with his cloud active. He can be very very painful as well and you will need to choose when to engage and go behind him very wisely. |
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No Threat |
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Skye |
The only threat to Alpha imo. She has perharps the highest damage output in the game, with CC to annoy you and a mobility tool which can dodge your A or fly five miles away from you and kite you after you tried to A to gap close. She is however, still very fragile. I like to bait her into attacking me with her A and then retreat. Once she trys to follow up with more damage, go in with a B. Save your A as far as possible as your barrage of B will usually make Skye want to B away, which gives you a clear A to burst her down. She needs to be picked out out of position for you not to die to her insane damage. Depending on how many abilities you can land on her usually, you would want to pick between SG or another shield defense as your last item. |
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