Lifesteal is not important enough to sacrifice crystal power
Late game you will really need lots of pierce and CP when facing enemies with Aegis and Fountain and Eve doesn't give you enough of those
*NEW* On Broken Myth Top
You must get this item either first or second or the enemies will build shield and you do no damage. Or have to use the piercing shard build
TL;DR Shatterglasses or Frostburns? Top
Get Heavy Prism and Eclipse Prism
On your next shop trip, get shatterglass if you can afford it, Frostburn if you can't.
Starting items Top
For the starting item I prefer a battery since that means I have more energy for last hitting with Heliogenesis, and I don't have to go up and basic attack the minions with my tiny range. In my experience when I last hit with my basic attacks it usually results in the enemy laner harassing me, and helios allow you to keep your distance from them.
With any other item (Crystal Bit, Boots, Light Shield/Armor) I feel that you run out of energy too fast.
Also, do not get Book of Eulogies first under any circumstance. Potions and your natural health regeneration are juat fine.
Shatterglasses first Top
I think maxing your ultimate is better than your stun since the majority of the time the stun will not save you from chasers.
Story time: I had a Clockwork and had maxed out my Core Collapse so I could stun a lot. I was the last one running from a fight, trying to prevent the ace. Koshka and Catherine both stunned me and I was at low health, but luckily I stunned them both. Too bad I didn't have Travel Boots yet at this point, or I would have gotten away (imo). They continued to chase me after the stun wore off, to my third turret (the first two were destroyed). I kept on running away. Then I waited for Koshka to pounce on me and Catherine to try and stun me. I caught them both in a double stun, but I was still stunned by Catherine, so we were stunned at the same time. When the stuns wore off Koshka chased down and killed me with her speed boost.
TLDR I got chased and died despite stunning my chasers twice with a Clockwork. I should have gotten Reflex Block and Travel/Journey Boots.
Playstyle with this build Top
aka my play style with Celeste
When you farm in the first few minutes, you don't have to conserve energy as much since you have potions and an energy battery. Use Heliogenesis to last hit the minions in the back.
I've heard the tip that "Unspent gold won't make you stronger!" a lot. In my opinion you should stay in lane if the other laner does, unless you are low on health. Besides, if you stay in lane for 8 minutes and they never leave either, they haven't spent any gold either. When they leave, push the wave to their side so you won't have to worry as much about losing CS to your turret. You should go shopping at the jungle shop when they return to lane, preferably with your team. If your team is far away from the jungle shop and has no vision on it, you can go there anyway since the probability that the enemy is shopping at the same time is very low. Well, unless you're low on health or energy.
Assuming the teams are about even, and nobody has a significant advantage yet, level 8 is about the time you should get your first item and start team fighting. When team fighting, tell your team to focus on the laner with the green ping, and try to land a stun on them too. Even if the laner builds shield they will be vulnerable to weapon damage, which hopefully your jungler will focus on.
Broken myth first Top
Broken Myth, Void Battery, Boots, and Reflex Block was basically every Celeste's build in VIPL. After 1.8 Broken Myth takes longer to stack, so it now requires a few more seconds of being in combat. I decided to test this after the changes to see if it still works.
Shield pierce is very helpful when enemies have aegis
Still in testing
Eve of Harvest first Top
I used to get Eve of Harvest first all the time on Celeste, but then I watched Youtubers and Twitch streamers play her and saw that they built Shatterglass and Broken Myth first. So then I stopped doing it. But it probably doesn't work that bad, since I got rekt by a Vainglorious player getting Eve first.
The main problem I see with eve first is that it doesn't do much for damage, which is what you are supposed to provide for the team.
Nobody getting eve first anymore, guess it's a lost cause
Frostburn first Top
For those times when you don't have enough for a shatterglass. Gives you sufficient crystal power to teamfight, but you get a slow for chases, and you give up 50 extra crystal power from Shatterglass. Usually good.
Celeste's Heliogenesis supernova CP ratio was increased to 220% in 1.10, so that means getting a frostburn first will add 220 damage which is already a lot, and it slows opponents as well to make catching them easier.
STILL IN TESTING : Yeah, never mind, everything still testing
Enemy has tons of shield and is invincible to me now build Top
Shatterglass = 150
Broken Myth = 70 10%
4x Piercing Shard = 80 32%
Crystal Infusion (level 12) = 50
In total this adds up to 350 crystal power with 42% piercing
It will do even more with full BM stacks.
However it is very rare that you will reach this full build so let's pretend it's an actual game
Shatterglass = 150
Broken Myth = 70 10%
Piercing Shard = 20 8%
That is 240 crystal power with 18% piercing. I don't know how to calculate the damage against shield so I'll leave it at that.
Heroes with nuking ultimates (+ CP Joule rant) Top
Nuking ultimates, ultimates that can easily decimate an entire team, are very dangerous. It doesn't help that the majority of them have long range and can easily reach a hero at the back of a fight. Having multiple fountains on your team will help because they can heal the team back up after a large burst nearly kills them. Crucible can also block damage on the impact of an ultimate like Celeste's or Ringo's.
I think the most dangerous nuke in the game is CP Joule's ult (may be biased because I recently have been losing games to them) because:
1. Highest crystal ratio and most damaging ability in the game
2. Long range, can hit people in the back, while staying in the back
3. Passes through everything
4. Cannot be walked out of without taking at least 2 ticks of damage, even with a warhorn
5. Crucible will rarely help the situation
6. Fountain heals too slowly to make a difference if someone gets hit (usually)
7. Because of the high base damage, will still do considerable damage even with no crystal (unless shield/lots of health is built)
8. If focused, they can simply jump away and ult immediately
9. Can ace and make comebacks easily
10. You get half a second of warning to dodge the red lines (also I needed a tenth reason)
11. Harder to see than almost every other ultimate
12. Easy to follow up on the damage (Ult + Jump + Thunder Strike)
13. Most other CP nukes can be negated with crucible and/or fountain
In my opinion her ultimate needs a longer delay because once she aims it everyone is guaranteed to take a few ticks of damage, which is usually enough.
CP Ringo's ult is similar, but it is a slightly lower threat because it takes him out of a team fight for a few seconds if used in the middle, it does less damage, Crucible will negate a lot of the damage, you get an obvious warning, and it's harder to follow up on unless the target is in range for Ringo's slow, which they probably won't since they'll be running.
Skaarf's ult also does a ton of damage, and even though he has a warning, a lot of Skaarfs use it at the end of a fight after all the stuns have been used and keep a reflex block just in case. It technically puts him in danger since he has to run into the enemy team, but usually they will be taking too much damage to fight back. If they Warhorn to avoid it they still have to go back into the fight and deal with his spitfire and goop damage, and they can't use their warhorn again to chase or escape. I would say it is the second most dangerous nuke, but I consider Joule's more OP since she is able to use it from the back of a fight, and has no counter items except for maybe multiple fountains (haven't been on a team that does this yet).
So to counter this buy a fountain. You could also invade their jungle/gank their lane but it's hard to get a kill since Ringo and Skaarf have a slow and Joule can jump away.
-Before you overdrive Heliogenesis you have to walk up to bushes to put a star in them and if there is someone in the bush they'll probably attack you as the star is forming. You should get some flares if you have a free slot since they have a longer range than Heliogenesis. Especially if there is an assassin enemy. This could also be important in late game because flares still have a longer range than stars. Stars will be better used for damage than for vision because of this.
-Try to ult either when it will kill someone, or at the start of fights to give your team an advantage. The hard part is hitting all of the enemies with it. Is there a Catherine walking around in front of her team, waiting for you to use Solar Storm, so she can reflect everything onto your team with her shield? My advice is to just ult them since you will have to fight either way, and waiting too late to use it will probably result in them outdamaging you. Plus, if she reflects it then she won't be able to do anything about the following barrage of helios on her team which will do more damage than solar storm anyway. Or if you have a good team, you could just wait for them to jump into the fight so the Catherine will pop her shield, but you might be too far away from the fight to help, and if you do help the Catherine will probably be standing on her teammates reflecting your stars.
DON'T SNIPE OBJECTIVES with Solar Storm. Even if you have vision on it. Timing is very hard to predict from your base to the middle. Even if you get the timing right, the opponents will probably use a big burst at the end to secure Gold Miner/Kraken before your ultimate reaches it. Some heroes have non-ultimate skills that do huge bursts also, like Joule's Thunder Strike and Celeste's Heliogenesis, so they might use one of those right at the end.
-If the jungler goes crystal you are probably screwed, because a smart enemy team will build Aegises, forcing you to use the piercing shard build which has many exploitable weaknesses like no escape, no defense against stuns, killed in a few seconds, can't buy anything after full build without selling, etc.
-This may seem obvious, but LOOK AT THE SCOREBOARD before you buy a defensive item. I have accidentally bought armor against double crystal because of this. Wait for heroes to buy their first T2 offensive items before you start any defense.
Forgot to add this earlier. Top
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