Hi everybody, I'm Peter "lookatme", the captain of Team SNOW. I'll tell you about one of the most popular supports in the game – Catherine.
Usually she is played in the ROAM position, that means that she supports her team, helps the carries to kill enemies and stay alive. Some think that playing roamer is not so interesting as carrying, because you deal little damage and usually have few kills. But high-ranked players understand that support makes 50% of the game – correct itembuild, good timing of the items and abilities, positioning in the battle, attacking, retreating, being where you're needed the most… roamer really determines the pace of the game.
Catherine is the best fight initiator – she can approach the enemies safely under her Stormguard, stun and silence them.
Captain of the Guard Catherine has a passive ability of accumulating 1 shield and 1 armor every time she stuns an enemy hero (you can see the amount of bonus defense in the bottom left corner). The longer is the game, the more defense she acquires.
Merciless Pursuit Catherine gets a bonus of movement speed, and the first basic attack will stun the target. It has long enough cooldown time – 13 seconds, so good Catherine's never use it without reason. You may want to stun the enemy, when you're sure that your allies can reach the enemy with their skills. For example, it's easy for Celeste or Joule to hit the stunned enemy with their stuns. Certainly the best way to use Merciless Pursuit is to break enemies' abilities. The easiest is to stun Skaarf or Adagio during their ultimates, if they don't use a Reflex Block. It's a bit harder to stun a Koshka ultimate or Glaive's Afterburn. And it's really very hard to stop the ultimates of Ardan or Fortress. You should look forward to enemies using their abilities and try to block them. But if you overdrive this ability, you'll gain only the increased length of the stun, so we open it at lvl 1, but do not overdrive it.
It is a protecting bubble that damages all the enemies around, and also blocks and reflects damage. This ability makes Catherine practically invincible for a short time, but bubble's length decreases by 1/2 second at each damage reflection. After the bubble vanishes, Catherine turns very vulnerable, so make sure that you can escape from the enemies before the end of this ability. At the overdrive of Stormguard you get smaller cooldown, more damage and more reflected damage, so we overdrive it ASAP. Stormguard reflects really a lot of damage to all the enemies and neutral creatures, so if you're against a Catherine, make sure not to attack her, especially if your teammates have low HP, or you'll kill your teammates or even yourself with your own damage!
Blast Tremor
It's one of the abilities that win teamfights. Catherine damages and silences all the enemies on a conical area in front of herself. It's the longest silence in the game (3.5 seconds when overdriven), and it allows to destroy the enemies before they can use their abilities or items. The main thing is to make sure that your teammates can reach the enemies during their silence. It's always a pity when a Catherine uses Blast Tremor when either the enemies or the allies are too far, so this incredible ability gets wasted. A top-class roamer can block the silence with a Crucible. This fluid moment determines the outcome of a teamfight in high-skilled games, a successful silence or a well-timed block. I doubt that you manage it at first, but you will surely improve if you try again and again.
Roamer must not buy items for himself, that are useless for the team ( Aegis, Metal Jacket). He must make sure that the carries live, because they can do much more that the support if they stay alive. Sometimes you can even sacrifice your own life in order to let the laner and jungler live on and make an Ace.
Now about the Fountain of Renewal and Crucible. You should buy the Fountain as the very first full item. It gives you armor/shield, and when activated, it regenerates health to all the team. The less health allies have, the more it will restore, so try to catch the moment when your carries are barely alive. Crucible is useful if the enemies have AOE effects, for example, Adagio, Celeste, Catherine or Petal. It also gives you HP, which lets you live longer.
Thanks for reading!
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Hope you enjoy! Good-bye!
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