Building Support Ardan in 5v5 3.3 by Pawpring891

Building Support Ardan in 5v5 3.3

By: Pawpring891
Last Updated: Jun 5, 2018
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Build #1

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood

Item Choices

Second Build Pieces

Sprint Boots

Second Tier 3 Item


Third Tier 3 item

War Treads

4th and further items

Atlas Pauldron

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Flicker Flicket is one of the less threatening heroes. Her slows can be an annoyance but generally she can not push back without a carry. Ardan can easily bully Flicker out of the lan
Alpha Alpha is about burst damage, and Ardan can block and take large amounts of damage. He also contains a natural speed boost as well as multiple movement abilities to dodge Alpha's strikes.
Fortress The trick to Fortress is ignoring it, they generally deal minimal damage and have lots of health. Kill them last.
Grumpjaw Grumpjaw is Like Fortress, but slightly more dangerous. He can not 1v1 Ardan, and in a team fight he is not a priority. Speed boosts and pressure can generally keep him away.
Petal Petal is one of the weaker heroes, her generic attack can't do much, and targeting her directly generally is enough to scare her back. In team fights she is targeted first and gets shredded easily making her not a problem for Ardan.
Phinn Phinn is just annoying. His massive amounts of health makes it so that he can survive most encounters. Yet he generally has a low damage output and his hooks, although they can screw up things for Ardan, a barrier, gauntlet, or healing item can easily counter them and put the hooked person in a position to kill an enemy carry.
Adagio Adagio can be a problem in the early game, as Ardan can kill most players early on. But Adagio has enough defenses to be a problem for Ardan and a low level dps. During the Late game he is not a danger.
Baron Barron does not get much health and can actually be fought by Ardan. As for his abilities, because they are slow Ardan can generally avoid them with his movement abilities.
Joule Although Joule generally can be scary, she is primarily burst and without her ultimate a single barrier on yourself is generally enough to get away, and in a team fight a barrier and devoted carry should easily kill her.
Lance Lance is not a huge problem. In 1v1 he is to slow to pose a serious threat. In team fights he does not output enough damage to make him a target, and his abilities don't give enough to turn a losing fight around. That said he does help win an already winning fight.
Ozo Ozo generally can't do much. Although he is able to be a powerful player, his movement abilities generally incentivize him to be in the center of a battle. Which means that he has to deal with all of the health gain from Ardan.
Glaive Glaive can just shred through a team with all in crit build making him a worthy foe. But if you can pull back then your ranged carries should kill him. Ardan generally plays turret battle or a running battle with glaive.
Kestrel Kestrel can easily run away and has strong burst damage, but generally in 1v1s Ardan can get away, and in team fights Ardan can speed boost people to her so they can kill her as she is fairly fragile.
Lorelai Lorelei is almost a worse Ardan. That said a worse Ardan should still be good. Her first ability does provide a stun but it is easy to dodge. Her speed ability takes to long to become relevant. Although the area and time are useful, it would almost be better if she were a melee.
Reim Reim is to slow with Ardan. Due to the nature of Ardan speed boosting and using gauntlet to zone enemies. the slow strike from Reim only is effective in very close combat with multiple melees.
SAW Saw is a mediocre Carry. Although he definitely has enough damage to kill Ardan, his speed makes it so Ardan can play poke battles with another carry.
Skye Although Skye has the mobility, her primary damage source, her A, can be body blocked making it easy for a carry to beat her.
Blackfeather Black Feather can be a serious be a problem in early game. When he ganks he can kill a carry and a support, but in late game the burst damage generally won't be enough to deal with Ardan.
Celeste Celeste poses a problem in both the late and early game because of range and damage output. A first fight can be an easy kill if your carry is willing to
Gwen Gwen can't solo an Ardan unless she has all abilities and he doesn't have any health abilities. In a team fight a Gwen can hit multiple players, but her ultimate can be body blocked. Generally she will be the second or third hero picked off in a team fight, as there are characters that single target but have a much higher damage output.
Koshka Koshka is on average more dangerous because of her stun and generically high damage and health. I can't speed boost assassinate, and a gauntlet on her at full health will take 3 carries to kill her. So she is generally a larger problem.
Rona Rona can be a strong enemy to Ardan because she has area of effect making her useful in team fights. Yet her burst is also generally enough to force a Fountain use.
Skaarf Skaarf is more of a problem because not only does he have a long range, his B allows zoning making the fight controlled to a certain area, especially when running.
Taka Taka is in a weird place, although he can not assassinate Ardan, he can easily take out the one Ardan is protecting before he can respond. Making it a challenge of reaction time.
Lyra Lyra is a serious annoyance. She can use her A ability to hit Ardan from far away. Her B is generally not super useful in the fight as Ardan has 2 movement abilities.
Ringo Ringo is a strong match up for Ardan when he plays conservatively. He has the damage output to realistically kill Ardan but if another carry or a turret is on him he will have a very hard fight unless he has backup.
Vox Attack power Vox can hit hard and move fast making him a danger to Ardan as Vox can easily lock onto the one Ardan is trying to protect.
Idris Idris is a scary hero, with large damage output. The upside is that Ardan can easily draw the ranged attack to him and allow the carry to get in damage. Skill makes this character much harder.
Malene Malene is a strong hero with extremely powerful attack. Because of how much damage she can easily build into, it is extremely dangerous to deal with her in both team battles and 1v1 confrontations.
Samuel Samuel is a problem for Ardan because of speed. Although Ardan has speed boosts and protection, Samuel can output enough damage and chase him down fast enough to be a serious problem.
Catherine Catherine poses a serious threat in team fights because of the stun and silence. As Ardan is primarily ability based, if Catherine lands this at the right time she can block all health regen for the team.
Kensei Kensei is a generally a scary hero, without a devoted carry Ardan will run, if the player can out dance him around a turret
Krul Ardan can not fight Krul. Because of the life regen on hit, Ardan instantly loses all fights and loses the fight for the team because Krul gets so much life steal.
Reza Ardan can generally take burst damage no problem. Reza can deal enough to kill Ardan through out the game making him one of the biggest threats to Ardan period.

Your Job as Ardan Top

The job of a support is self explanatory, support your ally heroes. Ardan does this in a few ways, primarily you want to take damage, but not feed. Being an Ardan is about weighing risks, where is taking damage worth it. The situations you want to take damage can be seen throughout the game. In the early game you might take damage to let your ally farm or to get a quick first blood. In the mid and late game taking damage is about 3 things. 2 of the reasons you take damage are team fights. Ardan can generally take more damage than all 3 carries combined, but can not deal it. So the goal is to have Ardan take the damage the carries can't. The second goal is in run away fights. If Ardan can eat hits from the enemies your allies can get away and recall. Regen abilities would also be used at this time. The 3rd damage is about hitting turrets. When an enemy comes up to stop a turret take, if Ardan is in a position that they can stand behind the turret and attack him they will. Taking the heat off the carries and allowing the turret to be taken. So overall you are the protector who makes sure your allies stay alive to kill the opponents.

Building Items Top

The first Item you build for is always going to be Fountain of Renewal. It is the cornerstone of the support character as it gives health regen to ALL your allies in an area. This means you can save your team or make all of your opponents hard work in a fight undone. Letting your team push more. In building to it prioritize Lifespring. Ideally you never build kinetic shield as you are spending all your time defending your allies. After this you should build Dragon's Heart and Boots. Tier 1 if things are going well, tier 2 if not. Boots let you be in more fights overall. If your allies are facing hard fight after hard fight, you getting to all of them on time can only help. If things are going well only build tier 1 and save the gold to build a crucible. After that you should build War Treads to make it so your team can pick off enemies or escape losing battles. The final step has 3 things you build: Echo, Atlas Pauldron and Aegis. If you are way ahead and winning every fight get the echo first to capture enemies in the gauntlets more forcing them to fight losing battles. If you are behind take Atlas Pauldron or Aegis depending of if your opponents are going Cp or Ap first.

Your Abilities Top

The most important ability you have is your A. Not only does it give a barrier, it gives a speed boost and moves you to the ally. This ability should be what you build first no matter what as it can just end a battle in the early game. At level 2 you Build your B, which lets you be aggressive, because at this point you can still win battles with your melee. But after the first 4 or 5 minutes your B will only be for picking off low health enemies or for moving into positioning. In the late game your A will be used for everything. It will not only act as reflex block on your allies but also boots. Making it the perfect for offense and defense. Your C is only for offense. What it does is it Zones characters. The goal is to split characters up making it two different battle fields for your opponent. You can also use it to trap characters that are near death. Letting your allies clear them out. Gauntlet is what you will want to use Echo on as it takes the longest to recharge and is often the turning point of a battle by forcing your opponent to get stunned and take a serious hit. Overall remember A is your most important ability, with both offensive and defensive applications. Your B is insane in the early game and slowly gets worse because of damage but does great for positioning. C is primarily offensive and can easily win team fights if played correctly.

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