Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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No Threat |
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Adagio |
Can kill you early on with support if late game then it should be easy |
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Skaarf |
Dont even need to care him with allies you can surely kill scarf careful his ulti |
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Ozo |
Easy very easy |
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Taka |
Can also kill you at early game if you are not careful but at late game you can basically kill him with one other guy with you |
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Alpha |
A skiller alpha can kill you but if you are facing a newbie then it should be easy with allies around you |
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Baron |
Easy kill but will quite a lot of damage |
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Petal |
Need to be careful when facing petal her minions can chip you until your death |
5 |
Vox |
Vox us very easy to deal with if he is not using wp a wp vox can shred you |
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Lyra |
The healing of her is very strong need to be alert when facing her |
5 |
Flicker |
Very strong if are alone but if you alone he will be useless |
5 |
Lance |
The rooting is very annoying so be prepared |
6 |
Ardan |
Can have a long fight and if they are using wp you are basically dead |
6 |
Glaive |
Can stun you with afterburn and with allies he can kill you even in the late games |
6 |
Skye |
Skye can be annoying some times but if you are with a kestrel or ringo it should be easy considered how tanky you are and her first skill wont kill yiu that fast |
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Gwen |
Skilled gwen player can shred you at early games so need to be careful |
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Reim |
One word...... CAREFUL |
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Same as ringo if you are not careful he will tear you to shreds |
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Phinn |
Phinn will be very annoying at times especially the late games he can use ulti to drag you and your allies
So be careful of his ulti
7 |
Krul |
You cant 1v1 krul you will bound to lose cuz krul will slowly kill you even if you are very tanky |
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Catherine |
She will mess up your combo badly with her ulti so be alert when she will use her ulti |
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Celeste |
Strong if you dont know hoe to deal with her always have a buddy with you before you face her |
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Samuel |
Damn strong with his combo he can kill you so be careful |
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Idris |
Another hero you need to run away from at the early game his damage is very high and if he is going wp need to be more careful |
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Joule |
Joule is very strong if she had ulti and she can even use echo now to reuse the ulti |
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Kestrel |
Easy if you with allies but she is damn strong can kill you with her glimmershots and if you are lucky to tun away with a sliver off hp she can finish you off with her ulti |
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Fortress |
His dogs will kill you so be prepared off his ulti |
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Rona |
Be careful when facing her it will a nightmare |
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Blackfeather |
Blackfeather can shred you even in the early games his first skill is very strong so be careful |
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Ringo |
His rapid fire will catch you off guard and he can slowly kill you when you see ringo target him first |
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Koshka |
Careful of her ulti her ulti is damn strong it will let your enemy to kill you because she can buy time |
10 |
No Threat |
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