Introduction Top
What's up everyone! I'm knwilliams319, and I've been playing Vainglory since 1.15. Personally, I feel that I have extensive knowledge of the game and want to use this knowledge to help you learn about my favorite hero, Blackfeather! I also have two other guides, one on Baron and the other on Stormcrown Taka builds. I'd appreciate it if you could check those out, and if they helped you, please upvote them! Let's get started!
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Introduction slightly edited
WP Blackfeather Overview Top
WP Blackfeather is an extremely strong choice in 1.23. He can be played in either lane or jungle effectively, and is very, very survivable while also being able to dish out huge damage with only a few items. However, he needs some gold and items under his belt before he can live long enough to be able to deal this damage. This is why after getting a T3 damage item, I suggest you build two defenses to help you survive. Anyways, let's get into the nitty gritty of WP Blackfeather, and talk about how you should be playing him.
WP Blackfeather Early Game Playstyle Top
If you're going to be playing Blackfeather in the lane, always start with a Book of Eulogies. The health regen given by this item really helps your survivability in lane where you're at a disadvantage to ranged heroes. Make sure to put your first ability point into your B, as it is one of the greatest lane tools in the game, especially once you overdrive it. During this stage, try your best to find your opposing laner's "poke pattern". Once you figure out around what times he'll be trying to poke you to deal some damage, use your B to gain a barrier to mitigate this damage. This will help you sustain yourself in lane and continue to farm before you go back to the Sanctuary to regen. Also, be very aware of overextending. As a melee hero, it is very unsafe to go into the other side to lane if your minions are pushed. Instead of going into the other side of the lane, try your best to stay closer to your turret and use your B to last-hit. If you're going to venture into the other side to clear minions, be very sure that the enemy team is nowhere around to gank you. Especially without your C, you're very susceptible to ganks because you have no escape. If you're going to play Blackfeather in the jungle, start with a Weapon Blade. While you will be building a Book of Eulogies eventually (since it helps progress into the Serpent's Mask), it is more effective to start with a Weapon Blade as it will increase your jungle clear speed more than the Book of Eulogies would. Once again, start with your B. With low weapon power, your A won't be able to do much to help you farm. No matter whether you start in lane of jungle, focus on farming and avoid invades/invading.Blackfeather is extremely squishy at early levels, so make sure you're avoiding fights and getting as much gold as possible during this phase so you can propel yourself to the midgame. If you're being constantly invaded by the enemy, either rotate over to the enemy's jungle (if it's safe), or move into the lane to gank the other team's laner to help your own laner get ahead (and get some ambient gold from your laner last-hitting minions).
WP Blackfeather Mid Game Playstyle Top
At this phase, depending on how well you farmed, you should be close to gearing up for fights, and have the "Core build". From the mid-to-late game, Blackfeather becomes extremely strong. Be sure to continue to farm to finish your build, but buy some Travel Boots so that you can rotate quickly if a fight breaks out in the jungle/lane (depending on where you're playing Blackfeather in). Jungle Blackfeather gets through his item progression slower than in the lane, so it may be a bit longer before you're ready to fight. Still, be patient, don't force fights you aren't ready for. However, once you've built the "core build", you should be able to begin fighting.
WP Blackfeather Late Game Playstyle Top
In the late game, Blackfeather is one the
the greatest heros. You'll have insane survivability, and extreme damage potential. In fights, be sure to dive the biggest threat on the enemy team (most likely their laner) and stick to them to gain stacks and then execute them with your A. Of course, don't go in alone, make sure to communicate to your team that you want to go in so that it isn't a 3v1. Also, with the "core build" completed, you will be working towards one of the fifth T3 items. Which one you get is situational. Get the shiversteel if you want more base health (and subsequently, a bigger barrier from your B) and need the extra stickiness. If you are able to survive and want more damage, build a Tyrant's Monocle, if you want more attack speed and some armor shred, build the Bonesaw (these two items are normally built while snowballing, and I suggest you choose War Treads as your boots for their extra health and barrier to help you survive). If you find yourself needing more Armor, build the Metal Jacket, and if you need extra shield and/or you or your team's other carry dies too quickly, build another fountain for your team. As for your boot choice (sixth T3), build Journey Boots if you need extra stickiness, or War Treads if you want some more team-wide utility as well as more tankiness.
Conclusion Top
Thanks so much for reading this guide! If it helped, I'd really appreciate if you upvoted it! Also, feel free to check out my other two guides, on Baron and Taka! Peace out!
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