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Hello everybody, I am a PoA Laner from South America, but I noticed Baron have not had any guides in a while, so I decided to do one. I am not main Baron (I main Vox), and I do not think I am a ****ing master with him, but I use him a lot, getting good results. You can tell me anything you want in comentaries. Sorry for my englosh, it is a bit late and I am not taking care of how I write. Sorry guys xD.
Baron is a strong WP Laner, so his damage comes from his Basic attacks mostly. However, his A and C do decent damage. You can use two builds on Baron. One if you think you can finish the game quickly and your lane phase is favorable. That is the Sorrowblade, Braking Point and TyrNt Monocle. You should start with B because when you dodge, your next two bassic attacks are faster, so you can trade and win. Then, you will unlock A at lvl 2. You can use your A for wave clear. Avoid early ganks but playing nszr your turret and having your B ready to escape. If you get sorrowblade before your opponent, you can kill him easy. You will max C>B>A. B at maximum lvl allows you to zvoid negative abilities and effects. C increase your attack range, outranging the other champs, allowing to do massive damage and stacks of BP.
In Lane you must focus on farm, but feel free to kill the enemy if YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE GETTING THE KILL AND THE ENEMY JUNGLER AND CAPTAIN ARE NOT IN BUSH. In teamfights, be away from the fight damaging enemy champs and disengaging with your B when they try to reach you.
Second build is for late game. In Lane Phase just farm. You may start with B or with A, depending if you want to farm waves or escape from an early gank. In late you are a ****ing monster. You will destroy everybody if you posicionate well. REMEMBER: BARON IS 10% DAMAGE, 40% SKILL AND 50% POSICIONATING. A GOOD BARON SHOULD NOT BE CATCH BY ENEMY JUNGLER.
Your B after dodging allows you to attack faster two times. You can kill and enemy by dodging and touching him. Baron will attack two times no matter how far has the enemy gone.
Your C can be used offensive and deffensive. You can use it to slow enemy, reveal bushes (only when it is absolutly necesary, maybe to start a fight in teibush) and to do damage.
Your A slows the enemy, so Alternate basics and A's to slow the enemy jungler while kitting him.
Your ult can be used to bait, and create opportunities.
You can dodge with B while using A. It is nice to slow people.
You can start with book of eulogies if you think your lane phase would be difficult.
Hope you like the guide guys, Put in commentaries what would you like me to add, or change. Have a great time playing Baron and winning Ranked matchs.
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