Introduction Top
Thank you guys (and girls) so much! I really appreciate you spending your time reading my guide.
I am not a professional vainglory player. This guide is designed for the average player. Also beware that this is only a guide. Your in game decisions will most likely be better for you.
Krul relies on sticking to an enemy hero to survive. Simply put, if you are far from an enemy hero, you will die. Stuns and silences will cripple a krul, so a
Reflex Block is almost always necessary.
Krul is rarely seen in high elo play due to a lot of heroes that can counter
Krul. In a draft, krul is usually picked last. However, he can still be very effective in certain situations.
This is my first guide. I do apologize for any mistakes throughout the guide.
Game Updates Top
Update 2.6:
Some more early-game strength should help with Krul’s jungle clear and effectiveness in early skirmishes. —Zekent
Base weapon damage up from 69-139 to 77-147
This change gives Krul a few more opportunities to go for early ganks against his opponents along with a small reduction in cooldown come late game. —Zekent
Cooldown down from 80-65-50 to 65-55-45 seconds |
Krul will now be slightly stronger early game, helping him to better sustain through early game invades. Still,
Krul is weak early game, and should not engage unless
Krul learns
From Hell's Heart. The cool down of
From Hell's Heart has been decreased significantly, making
Krul's mid game power spike even stronger.
Abilities Top
Krul is empowered by the shadows after standing still in brush for 1.5 seconds. Once empowered, Krul briefly gains 2 move speed and his next basic attack will slow the target by 40% for 2.5 seconds. | Basically a free boots activation and
Shiversteel. This perk allows you to stick to your target better, travel faster around the map, run away, etc.
Shadows Empower Me does not reset when
Krul is taking damage, which can be helpful when escaping.
Krul dashes to the target, deals damage and applies basic-attack effects. Activating Dead Man's Rush grants Krul a health barrier for 2.5 seconds.
Basic Attack Damage: 160%/160%/160%/160%/160%
Crystal Damage: 0%/0%/0%/0%/0% (70% Crystal Ratio)
Barrier: 100/180/260/340/420 (125% Crystal Ratio)
Duration: 3/3/3/3/3 | This ability is a dash that grants a temporary health barrier.
Dead Man's Rush also triggers basic attack effects like
Tension Bow or
Aftershock. Use this ability as a gapcloser or to tank for potential damage. For Crystal
Dead Man's Rush is overdriven first for the barrier and reduced cooldown, allowing
Aftershock to be activated more often. Do not spam this ability, as
Krul relies heavily on his abilities to survive.
Passive: Basic attacks & abilities apply Weakness for 4 seconds (up to 8 stacks) with a 0.5% crystal ratio. Each stack reduces the target's damage by 6.2% and increases Krul's lifesteal against the weakened target.
Activate: Detonate the stacks to deal damage and regain health based on the number of stacks consumed.
Damage: 100/150/200/250/350 (50% Crystal Ratio)
Damage/stack: 20/35/50/65/95 (20% Crystal Ratio)
Heal: 40/60/80/100/140 (35% Crystal Ratio)
Heal/stack: 15/20/25/30/40 (20% Crystal | The main ability that gives
Krul his immense amount of sustain. For weapon
Krul, this ability should be overdriven first to maximize lifesteal.
Spectral Smite should not be activated unless the enemy is attempting to flee or the damage guarantees a kill, since the lifesteal is so important. For crystal
Krul, this ability is used as a final burst. The optimal time to use
Spectral Smite is when your
Broken Myth stacks are high to deal huge amounts of damage. For captain
Krul, this ability still deals decent amounts of damage, and can be very useful when your team are capturing kraken.
Krul pulls Hellrazor from his chest and hurls it in the targeted direction. The sword will boomerang back to Krul after reaching max range. If the sword hits an enemy hero, it deals damage and stuns, then slows the target. Damage and stun duration scales with the distance the sword traveled before hitting the target. (50% at point blank range, 100% at max range and up to 150% at 'boomerang' range).
Damage: 350/500/650 (100% Crystal Ratio)
Slow Duration: 3/3.5/4
Stun Duration: 1.8/2/2.2 | One of the hardest stuns to block in the game. Use this ability to keep targets in range, lock down an enemy carry, cancel devastating abilities, etc. For captain
Krul, this ability serves as a great initiator. The stun scales with the distance the sword has traveled, so throwing the sword away from your target and landing the sword on its boomerang path will stun your target the longest. This stuns your target for 3.3 seconds than 1.1 seconds at point blank, but it will be much easier for your opponent to block the sword and the chances of failure are high.
Hero Synergies Top
Note that the following list assumes a jungle krul, not captain. Also note that
Krul can work with other heroes. The following list will consist of "traditional" supports and carries.

Celeste, being a mage, can deal huge amounts of damage if she can stay alive. Her
Core Collapse can stun enemy targets. Combined with your
From Hell's Heart, you can lock down a single enemy carry and kill or severely damaging the enemy target.

Adagio can heal you, making you harder to bring down. It also applies arcane fire to nearby enemies, allowing
Adagio to deal massive amounts of damage.

Baron can deal a good amount of damage when protected well. Your main purpose would be tanking damage and protecting
Baron with
From Hell's Heart.

Blackfeather is about as tanky as you, so you both should be diving for the enemy carry.
Feint of Heart also provides you bonus movement speed.

Ringo can slow enemies with
Achilles Shot while dealing huge amounts of damage. However, he is a little easier to kill compared to other carries.

SAW's weapon path makes him way too slow to catch up to you in battle, which means enemies have to come to him, suggesting a
Phinn as captain. His crystal path makes him a burst assassin. Although this may be good for other comps,
Krul gains his damage over time, and a carry that could do consistent damage should be chosen.
Skye, generally being a glass cannon, can do good damage behind your team.
Death From Above can be used to zone enemies for you to reach an enemy target.

Ardan has everything a
Krul needs;zoning, speed boost, and a potential slow. The barrier from
Vanguard allows
Krul to stay alive longer to build stacks.

Adagio can heal
Krul, but that's about it. His
Agent of Wrath adds minimal damage late game, and
Krul is not strong enough early game to take advantage of his buffs.

Catherine's silence can really help you stick to your targets without then using abilities to slip away. However. against tankier targets, the silence will not last long enough for
Krul to stack
Breaking Point or Spectrel Smite.

Fortress can give
Krul speed boost and lifesteal with
Truth of the Tooth, and apply a slow to the enemy target with
Law of the Claw. However,
Krul generally should not attempt to invade early game, throwing away Fortres's potential.

Lance can root enemies, and potentially knock enemies toward you with or stun them with
Gythian Wall. Overall,
Lance can delay an enemy's escape, but does not have a directly ability to catch up.
Combat Roll can be used, followed by an
Impale, but it's difficult to get behind an enemy and use
Gythian Wall.
Weapon Warrior Top
Start out with two Swift Shooters.
Krul's early game attack speed is not enough for him to sustain through the early game. Then, build a
Swift Shooter into a
Blazing Salvo. Usually, no more attack speed is needed. Buy
Sprint Boots, and
Light Armor and
Light Shield for defense. Start building more
weapon power, while buying sufficient defense throughout the game. A
Reflex Block is almost always recommended, to block crowd control abilities or items. Next, buy a
Sorrowblade. Some prefer to buy
Breaking Point first, but
Krul will give up some
weapon power, and
Breaking Point stacks will accumulate slowly, due to
Krul's low
weapon power. As a
Krul, your primary purpose is to tank. Go for the carry to get your
health back. Try to keep your carry alive as long as possible. Not only because your carry deals the most damage, but that the longer the fight goes, the more
weapon power you gain from
Breaking Point. If your carry does go down, then at least you have enough
weapon power to do damage.
Guide Changes Top
5/18/17: Added more heroes to hero synergies.
6/5/17: Commpleted hero synergies. Added
Stormcrown as a replacement in crystal build.
6/7/17: Minor edit to items chapter.
6/16/17: Added new section: Weapon Warrior
6/22/17: Added new section: Game Updates
Conclusion Top
Thank you all for reading my guide.
I know it needs much improvement. I will try to update it in the future.
Any comment is appreciated.
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