6th item choice Top
Get the defence if you feel squishy. Get
Aegis if you are taking crystal damage and get
Crucible if you are taking weapon damage. Otherwise get
Tornado Trigger.
Tactics Top
Vox was originally designed for the jungle so that is where he is best at. So play him there. However your team mates may get a little annoyed when you first start and play in the jungle but you will prove them wrong. You should always try to kite the jungle monsters and use Sonic Zoom a lot. Also when entering the gold mine area use Pulse to check if there are any enemies. Remember, usually where there is one there are two. Don't get killed early on or your team mates will get annoyed that you are playing jungle and won't help you the next time your in trouble.
Why WP rather than CP Top
I don't know whether anyone else has based a guide partly on this fact but when you are playing with Vox he says something like 'I don't know why people are obsessed over these crystal things'. It's defiantly not an exact quote but close enough to get the point across. He is a weapon character. And playing him as a weapon character means that Sonic Zoom does a lot of damage.
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