The Abilities
Prime Directive: This ability is incredibly important for CP Alpha. A common mistake amongst beginner Alphas is that they use her A to engage in fights. This is not what it is meant for, unless it is the only way that you can reach an enemy who is at low health. Instead, it should be saved for late in the fight, once you already have three core overload stacks. Use it to chase a fleeing enemy. It also can be used to cross walls. If you know that a minion is in a certain location, and you send your prime directive through a wall to that location, you will go through the wall.
Core Charge: This ability is the bread and butter of CP Alpha's kit. Her aftershock will proc it, and you should be using it whenever it is up. It will help you regen health, as well as stick to slippery enemies. For example, if a Skye keeps kiting you with Suri Strike and Forward Barage combos, this will help you cover the distance to get to her. A word of advice, at absolutely all costs avoid being rooted while farming. A root means that Alpha can't use her A or her B, and can slow down farming incredibly.
Termination Protocol: Anyone who has played Alpha, even in a Battle Royale knows that her ult is the most fun ability to use. A friggin self destruct! This ability, should, however, ONLY be used as a last resort when you are about to die. After clicking on it, there will be a brief delay and then you will explode. In this time, you need to decide what to do. Either use your Prime Directive to catch up to fleeing enemies and blow them up (only if they have low health), or run as far away from them as you can.
Early Game: Throughout the entire game, Alpha thrives on defense items. This is something that many new Alpha players don't quite realize. Her base damage is enough to kill almost any hero, and if you load up on defense, she can live on the knife's edge and not worry about death. If you start out buying a light shield, light armor, and 3 halcyon potions, you will still have 75 gold leftover, and will be virtually unkillable. Your reboot will almost definitely happen, as they can't deal enough damage through your two defense items. You should next focus on getting both of those armor/shields upgraded to their second level and buying some sprint boots. Remember that Alpha will not have a chance if she gets denied farm early, so make sure to constantly be farming your jungle and attempting to steal farm from the enemies jungle up until the 4:00 minute mark when the Crystal Miner spawns. You should now start working on your aftershock, building the components. If you are matched against a strong melee jungler, however, such as Krul, Joule, or Glaive, forgo these until later and instead buy an Atlas Pauldron as soon as you can afford it. Like I said, on Alpha, defense> damage.
Mid Game: By this point in the game, it is strongly advised that you pick up and aftershock. The damage from your Core Charge should now be fairly high. Also, as soon as you can, get a Metal Jacket and an Aegis. Remember, when playing Alpha, it is all about the mindset. You should be absolutely merciless, and willing to dive into almost any fight. If you have a Metal Jacket and an Aegis, you should almost always be able to pull off your reboot. Feel free to engage in almost any fight as long as you have at least 1/4 health and your reboot ready.
Late Game: This is where CP Alpha really shines. Build a Broken Myth next. Your damage should be absolutely rediculous at this point, and you can't be stopped. If, for some reason, your team doesn't have a Captain, build a Fountain of Renewall. If you are facing a strong WP melee hero, you should have an atlas, as well as a Metal Jacket and an Aegis. If no one on the enemy team is posing a threat to you, build an Alternating Current in order to lower the cooldown on your Core Charges. You should be able to win almost any fight late game, so don't back down. Just remember to save your Termination Protocol as a last resort.
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