Adv. Support Ardan by Benitos

Adv. Support Ardan

By: Benitos
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2017
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Build: Support Ardan

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Adagio Only think he can do is attack you is build Broken Myth stacks (assuming he goes CP) You can block his ultimate easily with a crucible.
SAW Ardan can destroy Saw's damage potential. Use your B to get to SAW and use atlas immediately.
Ringo Ringo Very weak against Ardan until he gets Bonesaw. Once he starts stacking the shred however, Ardan is quite vulnerable. Be sure to get Atlas Pauldron against him and apply it after using Blood for Blood to get close.
Baron Replace shiversteel with metal jacket to prevent breaking point stacks.
Skaarf Same with Samuel, buy aegis to bodyblock and peel for teammates.
Reim Very slow, you can help your teammates escape with Vanguard.
Gwen Atlas away.
Skye Ardan is naturally good against Skye's Forward Barrage because of his perk. He can also use Vanguard or Blood for Blood to get away from the damage.
Blackfeather Just be sure to atlas him, and you are good to go.
Samuel Replace shiversteel with aegis and you can bodyblock easily. Just be sure to block his ultimate with crucible.
Koshka Seperate your teammates from koshka with Vanguard or your gauntlet/
Flicker Doesn't anything if you buy vision.
Phinn Phinn can potentially pull Ardan out of position and stun him out of Gauntlet. To escape a Forced Accord, Vanguard yourself or to a teammate but try and Crucible his ultimate in the first place.
Catherine Catherine is only decent against Ardan because she can stun him out of Gauntlet. Be careful about using it when close to her, and make sure to crucible her Blast Tremor.
Lance Lance is not really a threat to Ardan besides potentially stunning Gauntlet. His root does not do much to Ardan except be potentially dangerous if caught out of position.
Celeste Can build broken myth stacks on you and potentially stun you out of your gauntlet.
Taka Taka is decent against Ardan, as he is against any hero. However, Ardan can use Vanguard to knock him out of Kaku fairly easily, making him vulnerable.
Grumpjaw You have the potential to counter Grumpjaw with your A, but a coordinated enemy team might overrun you. Consider always having your Vanguard up to avoid teamfights.
Rona Use vanguard to avoid teamfights, or your gauntlet.
Fortress Does nothing--if you use your vaunguard to escape Fortress's engagement.
Alpha Alpha often uses Ardan to get stacks, so be careful to stay away from her. Try and block prime directive for your team by standing in front of it, but be careful of the AOE.
Kestrel Ardan has no natural defense against Kestrel besides Vanguard, and her arrows will burst him down fairly quickly. Any engage attempts made onto her and she will use her Active Camo and stealth away.
Petal Petal is extremely good against Melee heroes. Her seeds and Trampoline let her create a lot of distance even when engaged directly ontop of. Try and Gauntlet after she uses her jump to prevent this.
Krul Like petal, Krul is extremely good against all melee heroes. He can easily slow you if caught out, making Ardan quite vulnerable. Try and Vanguard to a teammate to escape his grasp.
Vox Ardan's gauntlet is counterproductive when playing against a Vox, especially a CP one. Try and seperate him from his team with Gauntlet to counter this.
Idris Can dodge your ultimate and sneak around your allies to build Breaking Point stacks.
Lyra Lyra can use her B to cancel out ALL YOUR ABILITIES. She can also use her ultimate to escape your ultimate.

Introduction Top

Hello, everyone!

This is my very first guide so please don't kill me if I do something stupid.
My IGN in Vainglory is Arvinsky, and I achieved "Vainglorious" tier in Winter Season 2k16-2k17.

Ardan is a very mobile character able to escape from almost anything and having disrupting abilities. He slows, he deals damage, he stuns, what more could you want? He also works well in both offensive and defensive situations.

Abiltities Top

Julie's Gift(Perk)
Ardan’s perk, Julia’s Gift, is incredibly important to his kit, as it makes him naturally tanky and allows him to stay alive incredibly long while at low health. Since it is not something that you must maintain or actively utilize like Taka’s (perk), it is often forgotten about but still provides immense support for Ardan behind the scenes. Because Ardan recovers more health based on his own missing health, he has immense survivability at low health. In addition, Ardan is much more equipped to survive DOT effects like Scarf’s burning or small ticks of damage like Skye’s Forward Barrage. However, do NOT think that his perk gives him infinite survivability, as there is a limit to how much Ardan can regenerate but it does give him a bit of an extra safety cushion.

Vanguard (A Ability)

One of the most versatile abilities, Vanguard can be self-casted or used on allies, giving the targeted ally a burst of movement speed, a barrier that scales based on Ardan’s bonus health in addition to slowing surrounding enemies. With so much packed into one ability, Vanguard has a wide variety of potential uses as a result. Most often, it will be used to either give a move speed boost to yourself or a teammate, or to give a barrier to an ally that is being damaged heavily by the enemy. In the early-to mid game, you will likely have no cooldown reduction items and Vanguard will always be on a 13 second cooldown. In most team fights you will only be able to use Vanguard once or twice, so it is extremely important to be strategic in the use. When playing from behind or with ranged carries, use Vanguard to create distance between your allies and the enemy and give them an extra barrier to soak up incoming damage. When playing with melee caries and you are ahead or trying to engage (a dive composition), use Vanguard when your carry is close to the enemy to slow them, helping your carry to stay close to the enemy.

Vanguard is stronger when used on allies rather than yourself, so when possible avoid using it on yourself and try and make a play where Vanguard will be used to maximum effect. When trying to escape, it is often better to try and vanguard to an ally at maximum range than using Vanguard on yourself for a small speed boost. Only use Vanguard on yourself when there are no allies in range, when you are chasing an enemy and you can slow them by casting it on yourself, or when you must tank incoming damage (like from a Kestrel). Otherwise, it is likely more efficient to use it on your allies.

Avoid using Vanguard unnecessarily, especially in the early game. The barrier and move speed bonus can swing fights around and if Vanguard is misused or unavailable it could spell disaster for your team. For example, it is okay to use Vanguard to help clear the back minions on the first rotation, but you should avoid using it when close to the shop since you might be fighting right away and want Vanguard to be available.

The barrier given by Vanguard scales with Ardan’s bonus health, so it is an extremely good idea to build health items on him like Crucible, Shiversteel, Wartreads and more.

Blood for Blood (B Ability)

Ardan’s Blood for Blood is his main source of damage. Starting at a large cooldown of 20 seconds, the cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds each basic attack. This means that the more Ardan basic attacks, the more he will be able to use this ability and the more damage you will be outputting. In team fights, use this ability on the target your team is focusing, which is usually the squishiest member. While continually basic attacking and using Blood for Blood, you will be outputting an immense amount of damage that the enemy cannot ignore. In a non coordinated team, using Blood for Blood on an enemy will often signal to your allies the enemy that you want to focus, allowing you to have a little more control over the team fight. In the laning phase, use Blood for Blood to poke the enemy laner and on enemy supports to keep control of lane bushes. While doing a seemingly little amount of damage at first, eventually the poke will add up and you will have a significant damage advantage.

When using Blood for Blood, Ardan dashes to his enemy and applies on hit effects to the enemy. Use this dash to apply effects like Shiversteel and to get close to enemies to use Atlas Pauldron. In addition, Blood for Blood is a basic attack reset. To maximize damage, basic attack first, use blood for blood then basic attack immediately after.

Upgrade Priority:
In order to achieve a maximum effectiveness in the early-mid game, take the overdrive on Blood for Blood first. This will allow you to have much more damage early on, and begin taking control of the game.

Gauntlet (Ultimate)

Similar to Vanguard, Gauntlet has a variety of uses depending on the situation. When activated, Ardan jumps in a target direction and “throws down a gauntlet” in an area around him with walls that stun enemies attempting to pass through it. Most often, Gauntlet will be used to imitate a team fight, preferably trapping enemy heroes inside with your range teammate outside (if there is one). However, since strategy varies with every team comp, the way you place/use your gauntlet will always change. If you have a composition that needs help initiating and wants to dive onto the enemy team, try and use gauntlet to either trap enemies inside or stun them on the wall of the gauntlet, making it easy for your team to catch up and focus them down. If the enemy team has a composition that wants to dive onto your carries, use the gauntlet as a separation tool to create space between your allies and the enemy team, still trying to stun them on the wall in the process. Additionally, if you do not want to fight at all, the gauntlet can be used to block the enemy from initiating and give time for your allies to escape. The gauntlet walls disappear when Ardan leaves, so stand on the edge until your teammates are at a safe distance and then leave yoursel

What to avoid doing:
Avoid using Gauntlet when your teammates are out of range to make use of the gauntlet. If you land a perfect stun on someone but there’s no teammates near by to capitalize on the play, it is now useless. Avoid using gauntlet on heroes that can easily escape it. Blackfeather, Phinn or Lyra can either use their ultimates or perks to escape the gauntlet without being stunned. Similarly, enemies can easily use reflex block to escape the gauntlet walls. If you know that the enemy has reflex available, try and trap a teammate inside with him to get more value as the enemy carry will most likely reflex out of it. Many players like to use gauntlet to jump over walls when last alive to avoid death. Unless you know that you will not be fighting until gauntlet cooldown is available again, I consider using it to only save yourself to be a waste.

Pro Tips Top

-AOE damage reveals [Taka] from his [Kaku],so use Vanguard to reveal Taka when he boxes.
-[Blood for Blood] resets Ardan's auto attacks, so for maximum damage output use the combo: Basic attack - Blood for Blood - Basic attack.
-Don't be afraid to jump into a fight, especially if your teammates are nearby as your perk makes you very tanky and Blood for Blood does a lot of damage.
Ardan is great at using Atlas Pauldron on enemy heroes. In order to ensure you land the atlas on the enemy, you can Blood for Blood to them as you use Atlas or use Vanguard on yourself to gain a speed boost to help propel yourself to the enemy
-When activated, Ardan's Gauntlet shows a ring around it that will stun people after a delay. Try and use the Guantlet in such a way that it lands on top of enemy heroes and therefore stuns them in the process. Use it at a weird angle and ult side-to-side to try and catch them on the edge.
The speed boost is one of the most valuable part of Vanguard. Use it on allies to engage or disengage a fight. Using Vanguard on a Glaive before he uses Afterburn will help him get into a better position to knock the enemy back to your team.
-If the enemy team has a major Crowd Control ability (CC), it could be the major determinant of the success of the fight depending on if you block it or not. For example, Catherine’s Blast Tremor or Phinn’s Forced Accord can be detrimental to your team if not blocked. In order to have a better chance of blocking it, focus your attention on the hero with the major CC ability and wait for the animation. When the animation begins or you hear the sound for it, activate Crucible.
-Skip your upgrade at level 5, wait until you reach level 6. When you reach level 6, you will be able to learn your ultimate and upgrade 1 of your abilities to tier 4. Upgrading one of your other "basic" abilities into its 2nd tier isn't as much as an impact as sacrificing that upgrade to get your other "basic" ability to tier 4.

Playstyles Top

Early Game:
Ardan's early game is not inherently strong, so the level of aggression you exhibit should be dependent on your team composition. If you have heroes that are strong in the early game like Kestrel, Skye or Taka, you can be aggressive and try invading the enemy jungle. Vision is less important in the early game, so only buy a few mines to place in critical positions like the tri-bush in order to conserve gold. Still carry around flares, but your goal should be to maximize gold intake in order to get Fountain of Renewal as fast as possible. If you get Fountain of Renewal faster than your opponent, you will have a significant advantage. A fast Fountain of Renewal would be around 4:30 or before and a late Fountain would be anywhere after 6 minutes. However, be careful with a lack of vision in jungle as it could lead to the enemy catching you off-guard.
Late Game:
Ardan can be strong throughout the game, depending on how you play him. How you play the mid-game will be entirely dependent on how well the early game went, and what point of the game your team composition spikes in power. If you had a strong early game, consider using the mid game to begin to push objectives like Gold Mine and turrets. Be sure to keep pressure on the enemy back camps, as stealing them both gives gold to your team and denies gold that the enemy can get, putting them even farther behind and not letting them scale into the late game. If the early game was rough, or your team composition is weak in the mid-game and come alive once more items are purchased like something with a CP Vox, consider playing passively in the mid-game. To stay safe in the jungle and avoid lane ganks, prioritize vision. Vision will let you know where the enemy is and what they are doing at all times, allowing you to react accordingly. Always try to keep vision in important places like the Kraken pit, tri-bush and lane bushes. Avoid overextending in team fights. Ardan must frontline for his team, but being out of position and taking too much damage makes him useless to help his team later in the fight and may force you to use Fountain of Renewal earlier than you wanted to.
Late Game:
In the late game, usually the laner will be primary carry for your team. Most of your resources should go to him, and your primary objective should be protecting him at all costs. Use Vanguard to give your allies additional movement speed and use Gauntlet to create space between your carries and the enemy. Since by now you (should) have many activatable items, you need to be careful about timing them correctly. If the enemy team has a major Crowd Control ability (CC), it could be the major determinant of the success of the fight depending on if you block it or not. For example, Catherine’s Blast Tremor or Phinn’s Forced Accord can be detrimental to your team if not blocked. In order to have a better chance of blocking it, focus your attention on the hero with the major CC ability and wait for the animation. When the animation begins or you hear the sound for it, activate Crucible. This is extremely hard to master, so do not be discouraged if you do not get it at first. If this is too difficult, focus solely on activating Fountain of Renewal at the right time. As always, make sure you have adequate vision in important areas, as getting caught out in the late game can mean losing the game. Make sure you always have vision on Kraken and keep a mental note on when it should be spawning.

Conclusion Top

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or want something else!

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