1-Early Game.
As a jungler :
Starting as a jungler, you have to take the control of the map with the scout trap! Only this item will give you the opportunity to domine the game since the first 5 minutes!
If the ennemy jungle is taken by assassins, play safe and turtle.
"Turtle, what's that? o.O" The turtle is the name which defines a method. This method is defensive : you stay like a "turtle" with your team, try to defend your jungle and make some traps.
During the early game, try to ping the ennemy jungle when you see him and kill the ennemies by poke or trapping. You will be able to slow the ennemies with Gift of Fire and do impressive damage with Agent of Wrath.
1.2. On the lane.
Like all the laners, you have to take XP and gold with the minions.
With Adagio, you have to poke the ennemy. Don't give him the possibility to kill the minions by Healing a minion near to him and hit with one or two buffed auto attacks. Play aggressive and don't worry about buying flare guns and watch where the ennemies are to be safe.
When the jungler(s) gank you, just do your job : hit, and run, hit, and run...
2-Mid game #1.
At this point of the game, you are supposed to have from 1 to 5-6 kills.
"5,6 kill, are you kidding me man??" No, it's not a joke! The more attack speed you have, the more you take kills. This is the logic. This is like :"WTF?" but it's totally normal. Just the buff on your auto attack gives you the oppportunity to 1v3! It's not a joke, I tried it and it works! ^_^
2.1. Mid Game #2
At this moment you should start to rush the Sorrowblade. This item will secure some kills. The ennemy heroes will have some stuff so the will do more damage than they did in ealry game. Be the more careful you can now. The assassins got some crytal/weapon, so you just should hit, run and farm.
3.Late Game.
The game is supposed to be won at this moment. Even if the ennemies are nice and resist, take more situational items like Atlas Pauldron vs ranged weapon heroes or Fountain of Renewal vs mages or assassins(=burst).
Thank you really much for reading this guide! Hope you will appreciate the build. Don't forget to vote up and comment for helping me to improve my guide!(sorry for my poor English, I am French)...
Merry Christmas all and have fun in the Halcycon Fold!! :D
"And dude, one more question! Why didn't you take energy regen?? You will never have mana!"The passive will show you how you can regen all your mana in less than one second if the ennemy you are hitting is burnt my friend... ;)

The game looked lost, but I carried!

4/0 at 6 minutes. I told you That you will domine the game early !
Explaining about last item choice : The last item will be a defensive item because as an adagio you are pretty squishy. Take metal jacket or atlas if an ennemy WEAPON POWER Ringo, saw, adagio, or Petal is fed. Take Aegis to avoid big bursts from CRYSTAL POWER Celeste, Skaarf, Ringo, Saw...
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