Hi everybody, I'm Peter "lookatme", the captain of Team SNOW. I'll tell you now about a carry Adagio.
Adagio is one of the most versatile heroes in the game: he can be a lane carry, jungle carry or support, and he fits each of these positions perfectly. Today we'll speak about different itembuilds for the lane and jungle Adagios. He can heal himself or the teammates, increase attacks significantly, and also slow down and stun the enemies. His control kit is really massive, so I'll tell you how to use it.
Gift of Fire Adagio can heal himself, a teammate, a minion, a miner or the Kraken. The healed target has a green mark under it. After the burst of healing there's slower heal during 3 seconds. Also all the enemies or neutral creatures near the healed target inflame with Agent of Wrath. If Adagio uses Gift of Fire on himself, he'll slow down the enemies around him, which can stop them from dodging his ultimate. Adagio spends a lot of energy, but he can regain it quickly. Energy gets restored in amount of 35% of damage, when the enemies burning with Agent of Wrath take any damage. So you'll basically never run out of energy, if you set the enemies on fire and attack them.
Agent of Wrath
If you overdrive it, it gives a huge attack bonus to Adagio or his teammate, that's why you have to overdrive it ASAP. The target gets increased attack for 6 seconds (buff is visible as a yellow light beneath the target). If the buffed target attacks enemies burning in Agent of Wrath, it deals +50% damage. If Adagio chooses himself as the target, it deals +70% damage. The bonus damage is dealt by each attack, so it's perfect to use B on heroes with high attack speed, like SAW, Ringo or Rona, you can destroy enemies and turrets really fast. But sometimes it's better to buff yourself, I'll tell you later about this.
Verse of Judgement Adagio channels for 2 seconds and then deals damage to all enemies in a big circle around himself. The enemies burning with the Agent of Wrath are also stunned for more than 2 seconds, which is often enough to kill the whole enemy team. The perfect way to use ultimate: In the very beginning of a teamfight heal a teammate, who approaches the enemies closely, setting all of them on fire (you can come closer and heal yourself, of course, and slow the enemies down, but then the enemies can focus you instantly). Then come closer to the enemies and start the ultimate, trying to stun as many enemies as possible. Adagio gains fortified health during the channel. The best way to counter his ultimate is a Crucible. You can use Reflex Block or Aegis, of course, but you won't be able then to block any more stuns. Usually in high-skilled teams the roamer blocks AOE abilities (like Verse of Judgement) with Crucible, and the carries block individual stuns (like Yummy Catnip Frenzy) with Reflex Blocks.
There're two types of itembuild for a carry Adagio. One is more self-substantial and the other is more supportive.
First one is better for a lane Adagio, because he can earn a lot of gold there. In such case first item is Alternating Current. In a teamfight use Gift of Fire on the teammate who gets most damage and buff yourself with Agent of Wrath to deal very much damage.
The other damage items for a self-substantial Adagio will be Frostburn and Broken Myth, which gives you additional slowing and tons of damage.
For a jungle Adagio I'd recommend you a supportive build – Frostburn and Clockwork. Such he feels particularly well with fast-attacking laners. You'll constantly buff your laner, concentrate on letting him live, because if the enemies indeed kill the laner, they'll kill you more or less easily.
Thanks for reading!
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Hope you enjoy! Good-bye!
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