Hi all, i'm here today to show you what looks like a troll build on lance, but i swear it works really well. I've been experimenting some builds on lance since his buff in update 3.3, when i got an inspiration to add aftershock to it after watching ttiger's video. Ive been playing this build a whole lot and have a lot of fun dominating people with it. This build is primarily played as a Jungler
This build plays like an assassin in the early to mid games and like a warrior in the late game. Your damage is greatest in the early to mid game, but your longer cooldowns will prevent you from dealing consistent damage, meaning you will have to burst enemies down, then make a temporary retreat once your abilities are on cooldown and jump back into the fray once they aren't.
During late game, you will have experienced damage fall off, but this is minimized thanks to aftershock. by now you should have items such as Spellsword, Stormcrown and Aftershock to greatly lower your cooldowns. This means that even though you have lost your immense amount of burst, you will now be able to deal consistent damage, along with your crowd control.
We're now onto his playstyle. After clashing at mid and contesting the enemy crystal treeant, You bum rush your jungle like a good player would, and get enough money for at least Heavy Steel and Sprint Boots. Try to pick fights you think you can win, but be careful not to be too overaggressive. Don't forget to assist your Mid and Bot Laner since you're playing Jungler. Once you have Sorrowblade and Sprint Boots, go hunt players or start trying to poke the enemy Bot Laner out of lane. Almost no hero will be able to contest your burst. Regardless whether you grab kills or not, buy Aftershock, Travel Boots and defense. After that, roam around the map to support your Laners and hunt down players.
After that, go for more defense or start building towards spellsword, depending on what situation you're in. When everyone is near to completing their full build, switch your playstyle to a Warrior's.
For his abilities, you generally want to rush your overdrive for your A first, so you can have that double roll, and you also want to overdrive your ult. Also if you were wondering, yes, max out your combat roll and disregard your overdrive for your B. This may seem like a big nono for many people since the overdrive for Lance's B is basically a free reflex block, but overdriving your A is important for more combos and pursuing enemies, and overdriving his ult will grant you 1 less second off its cooldown, giving you 2 second rolls and some more sweet, sweet damage. Besides, you're playing Lance as an assassin, you want to try burst down people as fast as possible and stick to them as best as possible.
With this build you will actually realize that Lance deals more damage with the basic attack after his Combat Roll, rather than his root (Assuming Aftershock is not on cooldown). This makes aftershock easy to abuse, since its cooldown is 1.5 seconds and your combat rolls cooldowns will reach 2 seconds. This will make up that little bit of sustainability you lost from not overdriving your B.
That about summarizes everything you need to know about him. Remember, don't forget to place deep vision if you're playing jungler and place defensive scout cams if you're Side Laning. Also don't forget that you are not invinsible, don't try initiate a 1v2 unless both player are squishy carries, which is still pretty dangerous!
This is my very first guide for a hero, so I decided it to be for Lance, since i main him. When I joined Vainglory, i didn't know anything, but to me, Lance stood out among the heroes. I saw that he was going to be available for Glory in 2 days, so I decided to save my Ice, which i assumed was the special currency, then bought him 2 days later making him the first hero i bought.(Ringo, Taka and Skaarf don't count!). Ive mained the captain position every since as Lance, then I decided to try weapon lance, which worked! After some nerfs to him though, especially the one that took 200 damage off his root (oof). I couldn't make him work anymore, which made me kinda sad. I was overjoyed when i saw the buffs he received on update 3.3, then was back to being sad again after i realized how overpowered Kensei and Reza was. I've added some new heroes to my hero pool. Churnwalker, Tony, Ardan and i'm planning on playing kensei too once they nerf him (I don't want to get depressed like the other nerds that try to argue he's balanced). To be honest, I still don't see many people even trying weapon lance, which confused me seeing how he was the hero that got reworked the most last patch, so i decided to make this guide so that other people can enjoy this build before it gets inevitably nerfed XD.Have fun with this build and give me some feedback! Add me on Vainglory! My IGN is CarnageSG. I'm an SEA player and a full on captain main that can also play a mean weapon jungler/side laner in a pinch.
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