Early game Top
You are a Skye, you can out-maneuver and out-damage most jungle carries after your first jungle clear. Don't be afraid to engage as long as your roam is down to engage the opposing junglers.
Here are a few heroes you don't want to fight after your first clear(s): Koshka Ozo and Glaive(in some cases)
You are to rush and buy a Sorrowblade and Then blazing salvo, after that get a t2 defense item(the item depends on who ever is the most of a threat to you at the time) and you are set for team fights and kiting.
Mid game Top
You have just finished your sorrow blade and tornado trigger.
Sorrowblade - pure WP for efficient kiting and basic attack damage.
Tornado Trigger - attack speed and CRIT(her Forward Barrage crits)
TIER 3 DEFENSE - this could be a fountain, aegis, or metal jacket.
These are the core items.
Your objective as a wp Skye in this point in the game is to stay away from those enemy melee carries.
Watch your position in every fight. If you aren't kiting a melee carry you will lose.
Late game Top
Items after your core items are completely situational.
Bonesaw - if both of the enemy carries have t3 defense against your wp. (COMMON)
Serpents Mask - if the team fights are lasting a long time and the enemies have little defense
Tyrants Monocle - extra crit damage for your B and some for basic attack damage (VERY COMMON)
You reach a HUGE power spike after you get the 3 core items, which don't take much farming in both jungle and lane. Usually (depending on your laner and roam) games last under 25-20 minutes. Because you have strong mid-late game.
Conclusion Top
This is one of my first guides, my other one is on joule.
If you have any questions or want to practice and learn about WP Skye in game, add me: Asenole
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