Hello, I'm XenoTek the current starting jungler on the new Phoenix Reign roster. Welcome to my Lane Weapon Power
Vox Guide, where I will explain how I play
Vox successfully in both ranked and competitive matches. Vox is a mobile sniper that excels at dashing around team fights and endessly kiting his enemies. This crit Vox build relies heavily on building Breaking Point stakcks and then quickly bursting an enemy.
I hope you enjoy!

Vox’s heroic perk, Julia’s Song, allows Vox to have resonance, which causes two bolts of sound to bounce to the 2 closest enemies or minions. Additionally, the resonance bounces refresh existing resonance and apply resonance to targets that did not have it previously. This is extremely useful, as you don’t need to continually apply resonance if you have it on one target and can continually refresh it by bouncing off the target. Julia’s Song is basically the heart of Vox’s kit, but is less important for a weapon Vox other than the spreading resonance since the bounce damage only scales with crystal.

When activated, Vox dashes a short distance in the target direction. If targets are previously marked with resonance, Vox will throw out 2 basic attacks towards the nearest target (hero or minion, but heroes are prioritized). The damage of the basic attacks scales with a weapon ratio that can be increased by upgrading Sonic Zoom to overdrive. Vox has a relatively short range, so the mobility provided by Sonic Zoom is extremely important for survivability.
Sonic Zoom has many situational uses, from simply creating distance, moving quickly around the map, outputting damage, or even jumping over/through walls. Most of the time, while farming or in team fights, Sonic Zoom will mainly be used for the two basic attacks if resonance is active. However, you should also be considerate of when you use it, because it is a valuable repositioning and kiting tool that will allow you to endlessly kite/maneuver around a team fight if used properly. Be careful not to Sonic Zoom into a bad position, as you will likely be left very vulnerable with not much chance of escape. In some spots, you can still use Sonic Zoom to dash over walls. You can use this to escape, or just for flashy movements. It’s awkward if you miss, though, so be weary of that ;).
Upgrade Priority:
Unlock Sonic Zoom second, but take its overdrive first. For a weapon Vox, Sonic zoom is probably the most important part of the kit. Upgrading Sonic Zoom decreases the cooldown, and as previously mentioned, increases the weapon ratio on the basic attacks outputted by Sonic Zoom. This allows for more total damage output, and more mobility in general which will make surviving in team fights more manageable.

When activated, Vox emits a Pulse that applies Resonance, and slows enemies with the slow being stronger closer to the center of the Pulse. Pulse is Vox’s primary method of applying Resonance, and for a Weapon Vox, only really useful for applying the resonance to use Sonic Zoom and for the moderate slow.
The slow on Pulse is rather underrated, but it can be very useful as both a kiting tool and as a general AOE CC ability. When kiting, Use Pulse to create distance from your enemies and then Sonic Zoom for further distance and to fire off two basic attacks. Vox does not have a lot of total energy, and pulse uses a decent amount so be careful about consistently using it if you don’t absolutely need to. Also, having resonance is very essential for Vox to output a maximum amount of damage so make sure you save it for when you need to reapply resonance.
Upgrade Priority:
Unlock Pulse first, but do not take the overdrive. Instead, upgrade/max Vox’s ultimate whenever available for the lower cooldown and increased damage. Each upgrade to Pulse increases the damage of resonance bounces, but after the early game, the damage on a weapon Vox’s resonance bounces is relatively negligible so it is more important to focus on the primary damage from basic attacks.

When activated, Vox fires a large soundwave in the target direction, applying resonance, dealing damage and silencing enemies. Wait for It has two waves. The first wave deals a smaller mount of damage and applies resonance in a thinner line, and the second wave silences enemies for a short duration and deals a larger amount of damage in a larger line. (Get it? Wait for the big part of the ability?)
Wait for It is useful for a Weapon Vox in that it applies resonance, but also in that it does a decent amount of damage and silences enemies. The silence is especially useful against mage heroes and while kiting in narrow areas. It will often allow Vox to kite out the small extra distance he needs to survive. Save the ultimate for an opportune moment when the whole enemy team is grouped up, when you need to apply resonance and pulse is on cooldown, or if you just need the silence.

Heroes to Pair With Vox:
Catherine- Catherine is an excellent pairing with Vox since a double silence combo can be absolutely deadly. Since people rarely block a weapon Vox’s ultimate, use it shortly before Catherine is going to silence so that the enemy is silenced when attempting to block Catherine’s silence. This requires a fair amount of coordination, but is deadly when successfully pulled off.
Ardan- The perfect father-son duo, Ardan and Vox pair excellently together. Ardan’s gauntlet provides separation for Vox to safely output damage and his Vanguard gives Vox the extra survivability and movement speed he needs to endlessly kite his enemies.
Lyra- Similar to Ardan, Lyra provides a lot of survivability and protection to Vox to kite, and her Bulwark creates a lot of separation from diving melee heroes.
Glaive- Glaive is a frontline menace that provides a large distraction and lots of peel while Vox kites around the fight and builds stacks, making him a great pair.
Reim- Similarly to Glaive, Reim dominates the front line while Vox kites around the back.
Skye- Skye, like Vox, is a kiting hero. Combined with a melee support like Ardan, a Skye Vox combo can endlessly kite enemies so that they will never be able to output damage.

Vox is not an early game hero by any stretch, but he can definitely hold his own in the early game and be a nuisance to the enemy laner. Focus on farming, but also use your resonance bounces to your damage to deal lots of poke damage to the enemy. Start with Pulse and apply it when the enemy is close to the wave. If the enemy laner is close to the minion wave and you attack a minion near the enemy laner, bounces will spread to him. Keep doing this and you will poke a significant amount while safely farming. Because of the nuisance of the resonance bounces, Vox often clears waves faster than the enemy laner. This may allow you to freely rotate to the jungle shop for a level one fight while the enemy is stuck in lane or forced to lose farm. If you have a strong early game composition, use this to your advantage and push an early fight. If not, just shop and continue farming so that you can get your items as quickly as possible.

Vox begins really spiking once he gets his Breaking Point and first Monocle. Until then, focus on farming so that you can get it as soon as possible. Once you have those items and at least a t1 defensive item, hopefully a reflex block, look for a team fight. You won’t do a ton of damage at the beginning of the fight, but will increasingly gain strength as you build Breaking Point stacks. Make sure you don’t overextend or you will likely be get killed fairly quickly and easily. If you are behind, focus on farming and wait until late game when you have a mostly full build to look for teamfights. Also, make sure to get tier 2 boots relatively early for increased movement speed, kiting potential and a better experience in general.

Always a late game hero, Vox is definitely strongest in the late game. At this point, you should have your mostly full build of a Breaking Point and Tyrant’s monocle. If the enemy doesn’t have a lot of CC or is double crystal/weapon, you can get a fourth offensive item (usually a Bonesaw if the enemy has a decent amount of armor). In team fights, the most important part of this build is stacking the Breaking Point. At the beginning of fights, you will want to attack whoever is closest. Building stacks on the support is almost always a good option, as they are usually in the front line ahead of their team. Once you have a decent amount of stacks, feel free to rush the enemy carry and delete them quickly with massive crits. Make sure you are constantly moving around the fight and kiting backwards, as Vox excels when he is kiting or moving swiftly around a team fight. Only use Sonic Zoom for damage if you KNOW that you won’t need it to reposition or dodge a skill shot soon. Vox does massive amounts of damage in the late game, but only if he can survive. He is still a squishy hero, so he relies on his mobility to stay alive.

- Although the range has been decreased in past patches, Sonic Zoom can still be used for flashy escapes or movements through walls. Be careful not to mess up in an actual match to avoid embarrassment ;) Practice the jumps through walls in practice mode for maximum real time success.
- For maximum damage output, basic attack- then sonic zoom- then basic attack again. This will allow Vox to do 4 basic attacks in a very short time span and output massive amounts of damage.
- When Pulse hits enemies that you don’t have vision on, a little circle appears where the enemy is in the Pulse. You can use this to check bushes for enemies.
- The slow on Pulse is massively underrated. Use it as you are running away to slow down enemies and ensure an escape combined with your Sonic Zoom.
- In the laning phase, if the enemy laner or minions are close to the lane bushes, attack them. If the bounces go to a bush where there is no vision, you will know there is an enemy there likely waiting to gank.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found it useful. Send any questions you may have to
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