WP Adagio by FrostBitten312

WP Adagio

By: FrostBitten312
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2017
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Defensive WP Build

Ability Path

Arcane Renewal
Heroic Perk
Gift of Fire
Agent of Wrath
Verse of Judgement

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Celeste Celeste can be dealt with easily, since most of her damage comes from her abilities. When she calls down a star is your chance to throw a shot at her. And you'll find she would soon recall and you'd have the lane to yourself.
Adagio Another adagio wouldn't mean too much since he'd probably be supp. But in case of a wp or cp adagio be ready.
Lyra Lyra shouldn't be much of a problem since she'd be a supp. Watch out for her teleport though, she could want to shut you down after you start dominating the lane.
Baron Gah it's Baron. But Baron isn't much of a threat tbh. Just don't make it easy for him by standing right beside your minions.
Gwen Gwen would be like any normal lane carry you go against. Just use skill to take her out, and use your range to your advantage. Be careful of her stun though.
Ringo Deal with ringo like gwen, but make sure your health is high because you wouldn't know when the guy's gonna blast you with a fireball.
Skaarf Skaarf can be annoying if he gets his farm and builds himself up. His fireballs can be annoying and he'll always wanna harass you with free damage. Early game though, I'm sure you can overpower him and render him useless, so be sure to do that.
Samuel Meh it's a Samuel. Just don't stand still for the guy.
Ozo The most he can do is dance around you then get shot down. Be careful though since he can gank ya.
Joule Be careful of her b if she's weapon and her c if she's crystal. But she should be shredded. Get her when she turns her back.
Ardan You should watch out for his ultimate but that's it.
Fortress A fortress. Roam fortress should be no problem to deal with. If he's cp then just heal yourself and don't bleed to death cause if you do that's pretty...
Vox With his A and his resonance he's got the range like yours. Just don't stand next to your minions.
SAW He's got okay range like you and his attack speed should worry you. When he plants his b though is when you shouts for you to get a kill.
Kestrel She can be a huge damage dealer. Her glimmer shots can get ya, and if she's cp then hiding behind minions won't help. Watch for when she uses up all her glimmer shots and then attack her when they are on cool down.
Grumpjaw He's a new hero so I'm not sure where to put him. In the middle is good for now. Just don't let him eat you and drag to a turret.
Petal Her munions could be an issue. Ignore the munions if you are going to fight her one on one and target her directly. You should be able to beat her, but you're going to be in the match and not me, so only go for a fight if you know you can win. Give yourself a heal and slow her munions down. If she is attacking someone else then get rid of the munions and then attack her directly.
Catherine Her stuns are pretty annoying. And for her silence, watch for it and cast away your heal and damage before you get silenced. Since you're wp you don't need the abilities too much.
Rona She's wp like you. Just keep your distance and try not to be too close to the brush to be open to her into the fray. And obviously don't stick too close for her mist.
Skye There are a handful of good Skye's. Just don't sit in her Barrage.
Blackfeather He can surprise you, since he is an assassin. And don't get too disappointed. when he uses his ult to get away. Just make sure you kill him next time.
Alpha Her A can get you from a distance. And her B does the damage. Keep your distance. When she goes reboot though your damage is more than enough to rid of her before she's back up.
Krul Just don't go for a one v one and you should be good.
Idris His damage is pretty insane and his A can get to you quickly. His ult makes it so he can stick onto you. Target him first in team fights.
Flicker Flicker's pretty sneaky with the stealth, and his slow is pretty evil. Hope that your supp knows what vision is! If not, place your own scouts.
Reim Dodge them ice things. And avoid getting rooted.
Lance His abilities are made for ganks. They're pretty mean and his root and stun are terrifying.
Phinn He's going to constantly want to pull you in and stun. You might want to swap the fountain with an aegis if he proves troublesome.
  No Threat
Koshka Hit and run. Her damage is insane. Be ready to use your boots.
Taka Same as koshka. But this one can stealth in on you. Again always have them boots ready.
Glaive You might wamt to bring some flares . His stun was made for a gank.
  No Threat

Summary. Top

This build focuses on getting a Sorrowblade for damage and then having a lot of attack speed to dish it out quickly. The breaking point adds more weapon stacks and the defense items are there for safe play.

This is the build I go with, and it may be very different than yours. Please note that no way of building an adagio is wrong but some builds might really annoy your team.

This is a wp build for being your teams lane carry. Make sure you farm up real quick and build yourself up.

(please don't use this build for a support)

Strategy. Top

With your heroic perk, a wp adagio should not need to recall too often. Your health will be kept high with your Gift of Fire, and your energy from your Arcane Renewal. If you need health, just heal yourself, and always take a small step forward to set their minions on fire, which you can then attack them to regain your energy. If you're on full health but you need energy you can heal a lane minion that's up front and attacking the other teams minions. This gets your energy back and annoys the other laner.

Adagios range is superior to many other lane heroes, making it easy to find places to harass them with free damage. If you get a melee hero against you in lane you're in even more luck. Take note that even with your range you can still be ganked, so be careful, and when you're trying to get energy back make it quick.

You should play it safe until you get your sorrow, and this is the one item you should rush for. Once you have this your damage is pretty good. Back it up with some attack speed and you're good to go. Don't forget to build some defense items to counter the other team, and a Fountain of Renewal is good for your team.

Personally, I don't use his ultimate at all ( Verse of Judgement), a reason for why I overdrive both my other abilities. And the main reason I don't use it, is because when using it, it leaves you vulnerable for attack, unless you really trust your support. And doing that wastes time, since it could be spent throwing 5 or 6 shots that would deal much more damage. Also, I find it inconvenient to use my Agent of Wrath on myself, and you might understand what I mean. Being a wp adagio also means that you don't have to be as reliant on your B so much, so you can cast it away on your jungle. It would do well on a Koshka.

In team fights stay on the edge of the fight, dealing as much damage as you can and having your support tank for you. You should also trust your damage more. Adagio gets insane damage with this build, meaning you shouldn't be that annoying carry running from every team fight to keep your no death k/d.

Take note that unless you completely forget to heal yourself or are extremely under farmed, you should be able to solo Gold Mine and Kraken.

Staying Alive. Top

This should be easy for adagio since he has a self heal, and his energy can be replenished. But don't be afraid to recall when needed though.

Remember to play it safe, and ALWAYS build defense for whoever is giving you a hard time. If it's a wp dude giving you the hard time, then build armor before the fountain.

Also, if you're getting jumped and ganked all the time, then you would probably want a reflex instead of a fountain, so grab an Aegis for that CP Taka.

My threat list is totally my opinion and if you think differently than what I have put down then that's fine. But take precautions for all enemy heroes and don't underestimate any one of them.

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