Wonderfully Weird Ringo Build by Spazzer

Wonderfully Weird Ringo Build

By: Spazzer
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2015
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Build: Hybrid

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Catherine Catherines probably going to build lots of health, so once you have that Aftershock you should burn through her health pretty fast and leave the rest to your team. But her stuns and silences are going to leave you open to attack from the rest of her team, so just try your best to dodge those or run away, or better yet, kill her before she gets the chance to kill you!
Ardan Ardans going for to build lots of health, so once you have that Aftershock you should be able to burn through his health pretty fast. Only problem is that in early game he's going to be a pain beacause of his Vanguard and if he puts down Gauntlet and you don't have a Reflex Block chances are, you're Ganna die.
Fortress His early game can be very agressive and don't underestimate him. I've been Fortress and once I see someone low on health and I'm not, I don't waste any time. A quick pounce + claw= dead you. So if you are low on health, try to ping one of the junglers to fill in for you and teleport home. Of course, you have book of Eulogies, so if you feel you can get back to full health, go ahead. Don't blame me if you die thanks to a quick move by Fortress... But his late game seems pretty standard: lots of health and thanks to your Aftershock you'll burn through that. Of course he might get Atlas Pauldron or Metal Jacket so if you want to sacrifice Aegis for a Bonesaw go ahead and counter the counterer.
Vox Meh. Vox is one of those heroes that has never struck me as a threat. Honestly, he's so squishy, just simply being there should kill him (not really) but if you play it right, you can not even worry about him. In late game be prepared for an annoying silence... But in all things in view, his b ability can slow and detect enimies hiding in brush. If he builds weapon, it's formidable, but not enough power in it. Just be cautious, don't get in over your head, and if your hiding in the brush, try not to be detected.
Adagio Adagio is going to make sure you can't kill his teammates with his heal... So don't just ignore him. Even though his early game is okay, don't try to solo him. Kind of silly, but if he has a crystal bit, he can get close to you, heal, couple of auto attacks with his Agent of Wrath and he'll be regenerating energy + health and I don't think you want that.
Rona Honestly, there aren't that many good Ronas out there. Just don't be close to her when she has her ult going... And be ready for her a ability. Otherwise, try and kite her. She's pretty squishy.
Celeste Meet the queen of poking. If you are near your turret, and she has enough energy, be ready to experience a little harassing. Of course if she doesn't have that energy, you can kill her. If she's low on health, and your chasing her, she's going to kite you to death. Literally. So be sure you know Ringo's health, and be ready to retreat if you need to.
Kestrel Now, meet the squishiest hero... Kestrel! But if you get to close she can pack a punch them disappear if she's not taking damage! Also, she gains attack speed as a passive! Base line is, even though she's squishy, don't underestimate her.
Phinn Overall meh difficultly. You can kite him, slow him even more with your a ability and cut his health in half with Aftershock. If he tries to counter your build he's going to have some trouble. Your doing a hybrid build so he's going to get multiple things to counter you. Otherwise, once he can stun with his quibble, just don't be super close to him. If he uses his ult, be ready to die. Don't give up right away. Try and get away or if he's alone (that's a stupid Phinn move) you can try your best to take him down with you.
Ringo Haha. Chances are he's going to build weapon. Just wait for a 1 v 1 when you get you Eclipse Prism. You can easily destroy him.
Blackfeather If this Blackfeather is a good one, watch out near late game. Of course that's only if he's a good Blackfeather If not, you should be able to use him as an nice little gold mine because of how easy he is to kill.
Glaive Glaive He can push you around, stun, and do a ton of damage if he has a couple of big items. So don't let him be fed (with gold) if you can ask your junglers to invite their side. It'll help all of you out. Of course... He has lots of health which means you'll be able to burn through it with Aftershock. Overall just stay away from him if he's fed in early game, but if he's not, you could try and kill him. But if he's low on health, he could Afterburn away. So just be ready for that.
Krul DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, 1 V 1 HIM. Thanks to that 1.12 update, his early game can kill people just as fast as in late game. So gang up on him, and make sure you don't 1 V 1 him. If he's chasing you, kite him. He's probably going to try and hold onto you thinking, "If I can just activate that stack, I'll kill him and regenerate health..." Don't let that happen. Otherwise, you can kite him pretty easily.
Skye Honestly haven't had enough games with a Skye to judge her threat level. But since her Forward Barrage can crit, try and dodge those. You shouldn't think that you can withstand an entire barrage and not die. That's something you can feel free to "prove."
Joule Thanks to her Thunder Strike being able to crit, she can kill you pretty fast. Not to mention her B ability can allow her to escape and make sure you can't escape. Go figure. So if she's low on health use your ult. Best advice I can give you.
Petal Petal kills me. Literally. Thanks to her little minions, she can give you unearthly amounts of damage and use her ult to finish you off. She can close the gap with her trampoline, runaway with that ability... But that's in late game. In early game she's quite weak. So you should be able to kill her pretty quickly. Once she gets to level 6 she's going to use that ult to: a. Heal her and her teammates or b. Deal a ton of damage to you or c. Both a. AND b. AT THE SAME TIME. Don't say I didn't warn you!
SAW Ringo's arch enemy. In early game, he annoys me to death. In late game, I kite him death. That's the problem with Saw. He's really strong in early game, but he fizzles out in late game. Chances are he's going to have all the right plays in early game. In late game he's going to have serpents mask, Ganna use him a ability in the wrong place, and since he's spun up he can't get away fast enough and he's going to die. Unless this is a good Saw player. Then he becomes a threat.
Skaarf Meet the king of poking. My favorite hero when it comes to harassing or damage output. Watch out for a Broken Myth as his first item. That'll hurt. Try and get that aegis, and let your support start the fights with him. You can come in and kill Skaarf after he's focused of support. In early game he's pretty weak so try and get your junglers to Gank him. Try and dodge those fireballs in the lane. Those can hurt.
Koshka Koshka is going to target you even if you are in a "safe zone." Thanks to her heroic perk, she can harass you and speed away. Just don't follow her. I'm a Koshka player, and Inused to do this all the time: I'd harass a Ringo next to their turret. They'd get some pretty good damage on me then I'd speed away, they'd follow, and viola! An ambush in the brush just for you. So, if Koshka tries that don't follow. Otherwise, she's pretty squishy. So if you get just enough damage in her, use your ult when she tries to run away, it should get you a kill.
Taka Takas going to target you. That is a 100% happening. You can say no, but if I'm taka and I see a Ringo, I think, I'm going to burst him... An ult, a ability, b ability combo should do the trick. Except for the whole disappear thing, you and Taka are similar. In early game you're both weak... But in late game, you are both forces to behold. Just be aware of the map. If you need to, pop a flare gun. It helps to be cautious.
  No Threat
  No Threat

Intro Top

This is a guide that is aiming at a skill teirs of Not Bad or lower. Most of the threats I have listed come from personal experience, so you might disagree, but that's ok. It's supposed to be for [moderate] beginners.

This is a Hybrid build, which means it has a little bit of everything, it isnt a weapon build (wp), or a crystal build (cp). This makes it very hard to counter. Thanks to the Aftershock with the Sorrowblade we have a nice combo of moderate life steal and max health points (hp) shredding. With the Aftershock and Clockwork you can spam his a and b abilities, and if you have low energy, you can wait a little bit and your energy will regenerate really fast.

Overall, this build is of moderate difficultly. I find this build very fun to use. I hope you do too.

(I did this build guide in one day... so there might be a few typos. and some things that don't make sense. But hopefully it helps you!)

Ringo's Abilities Top



Ringo's next basic attack after killing anything will be a critical strike.

Notes: Good in early game laning. If you get all last hits, and clear the wave of minions, you can go down to the jungle shop and and shop really early. This perk can be used to help begin a fight; kill a weak monster, and use that critical to start a battle with an enemy.



Ringo fires a trick shot at his target's heel (or whatever lower extremity exists), slowing the target and dealing damage.

Notes: Good for harassing someone by the turret. Be just in range and hit that sucker. The enemy heroes will be pretty annoyed by you. But thats what we call a good game stater!



Ringo slings bullets at his target in a mad flurry, dramatically increasing his attack speed & move speed for a duration. Resets basic attack cool down on activation.

Notes: Best when you need to sling out out a lot of damage. Pretty good ability for early game, as I keep saying, once you get the core for this build done, you can spam the ability. In early game it sucks up your energy like you wouldn't believe, so try and use this as little as possible in easy game laning.



Ringo takes a long swig from his gourd and breathes out a scorching fireball at his target. The explosion pierces all shield, deals splash damage on impact and sets the target on fire, burning it & nearby enemies for 7 seconds.

Notes: Use this on an escaping target, or on a squishy hero thats close to his teammates. Because of the splash damage, it'd be a good play if you did Hellfire Brew to initiate on a squishy hero next to the Kraken or Gold Mine. Two enemies coming at ya sucker... Also, thanks to shield piercing, you don't have to worry too much about any defenses the enemies have picked up. It is possible to reflex block Hellfire Brew, so don't always be expecting a kill if you use this ability.

Overview of Items I Use Top

First Item I Get


Right before I'm going to get Tornado Trigger this is what my inventory looks like:

Notes on this: After I get Tornado Trigger I try my best and rush to get Sorrowblade for a nice damage output. But don't stress once you get Tornado Trigger the Eclipse Prism should help enhance Twirling Silver for OK damage.

Second Item I Get


Right before I'm going to get Sorrowblade my inventory looks like this:

Notes on this: The only reason I get Sorrowblade is for consistent damage. Also, you might have noticed that boots don't really come into play until mid game in this build. You have Twirling Silver, and that increases move spead, personally, in early game this speed boost is all that I need. If you are in a position in which you need Travel Boots don't wait until this point to get them. If you need 'em get 'em.

Third Item I Get



Right before I get Aftershock my inventory looks like this:

Notes on this: I've been ranting on and on about this Aftershock thing! Finally I get the chance to cover what it does and why it's significant! First is because it allows just enough cooldown (cd) with the Clockwork that you can spam Twitling Silver over and over. Also, most supports are going to find this hard to counter. Build more health? It just make Aftershock work better. The 50% Lifesteal can come in handy after just activating Twirling Dilver or Achilles Shot. Not to mention it works well with hybrid builds.

Fourth item I get


Right before I get Clockwork my inventory looks like this:

Notes on this: I get this for the energy, energy recharge, and it allows you to spam a and b abilities. Also allows you to use your ult more often.

Fith item I get


Active: SPRINT FOR 1.5 SECONDS (30 second cooldown)

Right before I get Journey Boots my inventory looks like this:

Notes on this: Every hero needs something to help them run away from a battle!


Notes on this:These are for you being able to survive longer in team fights. if you get Fountain of Renewal you'll get the heal and so will your team. So Its a win win situation if you get one of the defensive items that gives a team buff.

Tips & Tricks Top

OK. So you need tips? No problem.
1. FARM FARM FARM. Did I mention farming? You're focus should be on all points of the screen, of course, don't get TOO carried away but it might help if you have some gold to shop with.
2. DONT GET TOO CARRIED AWAY. In early game, if you have the enemy minions cleared, and the turret is wide open to attack, its going to be tempting to try and damage that turret. But instead, use the gold you have farmed and who down to the jungle shop. Ping the brush by the shop so your teammates know what your doing.
3. BE AWARE OF THE MAP.If you're teammates ping a nearby bush with the danger symbol, don't ignore them. Fall back to the turret. If you see you're teammates fighting in the jungle with the other team, go down to them.
4.YOU ARE RINGO... THE "UNSTOPPABLE" RINGO. But also a very squishy hero. Be aware of your health, and know when to back out. Just because you can deal some serious damage doesn't mean you are invincible.
5.YOU ARE A SNIPER, NOT A WARRIOR. In team fights its just so natural... Go close to the enemy heroes... THIS IS WRONG. You are squishy. You are the main damage dealer. You being near the enemy heroes is saying, "Hey, Free Kill Over Here! Im Right Here, So Close To You...!" Do yourself and your team a favor. Act like a sniper in team fights.

And they all Lived Happily Ever After... THE END Top

THANK YOU. Just looking at my guide makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If you want to give me feed back, please do that. Even if its negative. This is my first guide. It feels kinda bad to me... But who knows! I might have just helped you! Thats what I want.

Thanks a whole bunch, Spazzer.

P.S. If you want to become one of my friends in Vainglory, heres my IGN; Spazzer

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