Whats Celeste all about Top
Celeste is great at dropping suns (like mines)
Heliogenesis everywhere to be used at her desire. Being tactical and planning ahead are key. As soon as you lose these perspectives you will die to even a defensive Catherine. Have no fear, this is why you are going to stay outside of battle and use your boots early and often. Keep moving, dropping suns and planning when to set off the supernovas.
I have only spent my time in the lane but that is where Celeste really shines. Even against 2 laners, Skarf and Saw, I managed to keep them at bay with suns all over the place. I did call for help often but they could not laydown any fire on my turrets.
In case you didnt realize..... Casting suns in proximity of each other goes Big.... bada.... boom..... Use it a lot and dont be afraid to miss.
General strategy Top
Early in the game you are guarding the first turret. Casting what I call suns
Heliogenesis directly on and ahead of the minions charging. Avoid full on confrontations in the lane to avoid being ganked early on and losing the lane.
Use your suns moderately, dont go crazy casting yet. Save your stun
Core Collapse altogether for an attack or to finish someone off who is greedy. I usually stick it out in the lane till about level 4 and then call for backup and warp home to buy some upgrades.
Get back asap and with some energy regen start dropping more suns in the bush near the turrets. At this point turret pressure should be pretty hot. You need to push them back. Once your level 6 you now have your ultimate and you should should pop it when anyone gets below half health. REMEMBER it has a casting time so you need to plan ahead.
BE WARNED I have lost my shotgun blast
Solar Storm to Catherines shield once or twice so make sure the path is clear to your target.
Once the lane has been cleared blow up that first turret and make a run to backup teammates if they are taking the gold mine. Get back into the lane and go back to work.
Stay outside of all major conflicts and always edge-fight the players. Let them follow you, let them die to your trail dont be too aggressive or youll pay for it fast.
SAVE YOUR STUN..... its trivial damage and range but its escape utility is key. Cast it on yourself if you are fleeing.
Explaining the items... Top
Eve of Harvest should be a no brainer if you want to stay alive. I have begun every game with
Ironguard Contract for a reason. If my team spends time in the jungle and occasionally helps me clear out the lane of peeps pushing then I reap the benefit of their kills. If I have another laner (WHICH I LOVE AND IS BETTER THEN 2 in the jungle most cases) I can make enough money still to buy all I need and stay alive way more.
No worries, later you will sell the
Ironguard Contractwhen you need the space but keep it absolutely as long as you can to gain back way more then you spent on it.
Next I start building my
Eve of Harvestwith my contract/potions and if I get a good burst of money and the lane is being pressured a lot I spend the extra dough on some
Sprint Boots earlier rather than later.
Once I have
Eve of Harvest out of the way staying alive gets a lot easier. Keep sunning minions and moving. You want to max your Sun ability ASAP. The stun is great and all but since the range is so short until major combat late in the game you will use it to run the hell away.
Next I usually begin building my
Frostburn. Slow, duh, helps....... After this I have either started working on
Shatterglass or bought the
Travel Boots depending on the pressure Im dealing with.
Glaive seems to be a pain with Celeste because she is so squishy so watch for ambushes. Cast suns in the jungles occasionally to see whats lurking.
At this point I usually wrap up with
Journey Boots and
Crucible followed by
So why
Clockwork? Well at the end of the game the ultimate I just call shotgun blast
Solar Storm becomes a huge mega killing machine. Aim early and boom people drop like flies..... The reduced 50% gives you a lot more shottys to blow. Nuff said bub...
Clockwork is optional, some have commented they like using
Aftershock. This is a fine switch but I have stuck to
Clockwork thus far. Its all personal preference.
UPDATE .... Feb 28th
Finally lost a game, the team had a Koshka, SUPER-Petal, and Skarrf. They ultimately spent the entire game killing me and relentlessly chasing me at all times. It did not help I had little support from teammates and my team kept trying to kill Petal who very early on got
Journey Boots and kited everyone (well played jerk)
I have been toying with two
Eve of Harvest rather than getting
Clockwork..... If you are being singled out it may be an alternate route but it does make your ultimate take forever to reset. Its real painful to watch but survivability sky rockets.
1. Cast your suns
Heliogenesis everywhere. You would not believe how often I catch someone in the jungle with it right about to shank me.
2. Keep moving.... do not be stingy on the boots YOU NEED THEM for passive speed.
3. Frostburn is awesome but you have to be alive to see it work so get EVE first.
4. Stun at the end of their healthbar not when you see them. STUN SAW if hes ramped up on speed.
5. Teamwork teamwork teamwork.
6. Do not try to solo the kraken..... your gonna laugh when you see how hard he hits.
7. Have fun its my first guide but I went 6 and 0 never having played Celeste at all. Stand your ground against another celeste they are just like you and want to keep moving but if they do youll have suns all over her and she will be forced to die.

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