Introduction Top
Vox is an extremely mobile sniper, in the mold of Ringo, but much more versatile. His A ability,
Sonic Zoom, is likewise very versatile, and is a "fight or flight" ability, which can be used for attacking or fleeing. His B ability,
Pulse, is can also be used in many different ways. It can slow the enemy for ganks and chasing, and can also lead to faster minion clears. His C ability, or ult,
Wait for It, is an extremely useful nuke that both damages and silences the enemy team. A good use of his ult will almost guarantee a win in a teamfight, so remember to use it early. Vox's heroic perk,
Julia's Song, is very useful in clearing np minion waves, it provides extra durability, and can also negate the effects of Adagio's
Gift of Fire and the likes. Vox's unprecedented farming ability and scaling often snowballs into an unstoppable late-game.
Vox is very versatile in that he can build both weapon and crystal power. However, Vox's ultimate recently had its crystal ratio taken off, so I now prefer a weapon build.
This right here is what will win the early game. If you farm well, you should have this by the 4:00 mark, which is when you can start initiating and playing more aggressive
I was not sold on this item, but a recent recommendation by @WeiTheMan has led me to the true power of Tyrant's Monocle. Seriously, 500+ damage on
Sonic Zoom? Insane!
Coupled with Sorrowblade, this item will also give you more sustainability and durability in teamfights
Not much to say here, it provides a much needed speed boost for chasing and escaping
Provides much needed tankiness
Your best friend in the late game, when people start building defense items
General Tips! Top
-You may have noticed that I don't build attack speed in this build. This is because of two reasons:
1. Vox's A let's you attack 4 basic attacks very quickly
2. The preferred sequence for Vox goes goes like this:
1. Initiate with A
2. Slow with B
3. Stutterstep for the kill
-Use your ult EARLY
-If your enemies are building HP, build an aftershock earlier
-Don't play too aggressive early game, at least until you have a Tension Bow
-Halcyon Potions are your best friend in the first 10 minutes
-Scout Traps and Flares as well
Thank You! Top
Thanks for taking the time to read my Vox guide! Be sure to leave a like, and stay tuned for more!
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