Note that the reason this may seem a bit scrambled is because I tried to update date it after having it be from before Wartreads existed. Also, Stormcrown and Null Wave didn't exist, and some other things that scrambled this old guide. Hopefully it works out a bit better with the update.
This build is more powerful then it looks. It allows you to be extremely tanky and keep your team in the fight longer. Contraption is to make sure your Kraken capture isn't sniped (or gold mine in the 4-15 minute mark), Shiversteel and Warhorn help chase fleeing enemies, or if it comes to it, helps your team flee, and Crucible or Fountain of Renewal help your team survive long enough to decimate your foes. The reason for the name of the build is because all but one of the items help your teammates instead of only helping you. Also it's because it has all 5 utility items (Wartreads are the only "utility" boots, as it used to be Warhorn)that are in the game atm. This build can work for other protectors, but it seems to work best with Ardan.
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