Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Rona |
Rona is too slow to damage reim easily, even when she's using red mist. Once she's hit with winter spire and chill winds, she's dead. |
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Ozo |
Moves slightly faster than Rona, but has less health so the same applies to him. |
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Alpha |
Can take you down if you're not careful, but she can't run away easily without her ultimate. |
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Koshka |
As long as she's lost her stun, she can be dealt with once in range |
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Ardan |
Gauntlet is annoying if there is more than one hero, but solo ardan is easy to take down. |
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Blackfeather |
Be careful with him as he is quick but once rooted, he's practically dead. |
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Fortress |
Pretty tanky and capable of decent damage, but easy to kill. |
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Catherine |
Her stun and stormguard is annoying and it allows her to get away, but can be killed with two heroes. |
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Phinn |
Very tanky, especially with utility build, and can't be rooted, but the stun can be avoided and he's slow, especially when under frostburn. |
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Lance |
Like phinn, but can push you away which can render chill winds useless, so try get in range when fighting him, like when he uses his lance. |
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Glaive |
After burn is annoying to deal with, but once it's used he's not too difficult to kill |
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Joule |
With critical attacks, she can destroy you quickly so try to engage her with another hero in tow, but cp can be dealt with easily. |
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Lyra |
Her healing is deadly, especially when you're in melee range, so try to range her. |
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Skaarf |
Easy to kill as long as he's not using his dragon breath or in the gloop on fire. |
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Adagio |
If he's got wp build or cp with alternating current, he can kite you to death, and he can heal himself, so bring a hero with you to kill him. |
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Vox |
Like Adagio, dodge the silence or you'll have a hard time when fighting him, because his basic attacks can destroy pretty quickly, but he's not too hard to catch. |
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Petal |
Not too hard to kill, just prepare block for her spontaneous combustion. |
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Ringo |
Like Petal, but beware of achilles shotso you can reach him, although you can catch him with valkyrie if necessary. |
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Kestrel |
She can kite you like Celeste, but slightly easier to dodge, just hide in a brush to kill her before she uses her invisibility. |
9 |
Never solo him wp or cp, or he can lifesteal and stay alive while you quickly die, as he can get all 12 stacks of spin up before you're in range. |
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Skye |
Rapid fire is deadly if it hits you, so be careful do dodge, but dies easily if she's stunned. |
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Celeste |
Her core collapse and heliogenesis can kill you without taking a single point of damage. |
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Krul |
His spectral smite means soloing is near impossible, even with atlas, so bring another hero to kill him. |
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