Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Koshka |
Block Koshka's Ultimate with your crucible, Vanguard against her early game, but don't worry to much late game. |
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Skaarf |
Very squishy hero, not a massive threat unless is stacked up broken myth stacks. |
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Petal |
Very squishy hero, shouldn't be a problem if following this Guide :) |
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Ardan |
Ardan shouldn't be a problem aslong as you follow this guide :) |
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Ozo |
Make sure to time your Vanguards extremely perfectly against a Ozo, this is easily taken badly and easily lost of a teamfight due to the Vanguards misplaced. |
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Rona |
Rona? Easy! Follow this guide, should be a very easy hero to defeat! |
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Kestrel |
With the new Kestrel nerf, Kestrel is not a major threat to allies, but is still poewerful. Make sure to Vanguard to block the First ability. |
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Taka |
Taka is the EASIEST hero to vs. HOW? Aslong as you are carrying Flares and/or Scout traps within your inventory. |
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Reim |
As soon as you drop the Gauntlet, try and get Reim outside of the gauntlet, and then MAKE SURE to Crucible his Ult, Very dangerous. |
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Blackfeather |
Try and 1v1 Blackfeather (in a sense) to make him waste his Ults (both) and then follow up by entering your team, followed by the Gauntlet |
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Skye |
Skye is a squishy hero, she is weak when Gauntletted inside or outside of the Barrier, shouldn't find her hard at all! |
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Celeste |
Celeste, the Crystal Laner. Celeste can be a dangerous Laner when her broken myth stacks are stacked to beyond 4, therefore try to avoid her stun while gauntleting, aswell as trapping her inside of the Gauntlet for maximum efficiency. "Celeste lights the way for her team, calling upon her stars for both artillery and long-range reconnaissance. Though fragile, she is well-suited to fighting from the furthest edges of battle." |
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Fortress |
Fortress can be easily prevented by Vanguarding allies taking damage from his abilities (especially CP) . Easily taken down |
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Catherine |
VsiWATCH OUT HER HER BUBBLE! Do not focus her early in teamfights or middle, as 'New' Catherine players always use her second ability when entering a teamfight (which is a very bad idea). |
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Phinn |
Phinn is a TANK! BUT! He can not keep up! Why not take advantage of this, Warhorn away from a fight, leaving the 2 carries to follow your team , Gauntlet Phinn outside of the Gauntlet , continue the fight (I know he doesn't get stunned, but late game, this is CRUCIAL ! You can find out why. |
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Adagio |
When vsing an Adagio, Shop awareness is a must, if you can shop before Adagio, the game is going to be fine, watch out for his buffs tho ! Crucible his Ult, Run from his buffs, Warhorn back in followed by a gauntlet after buff is finished |
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Ringo |
Ringo is a high dealing Lane carry. "Ringo is strongest when wearing down a single opponent. Master Ringos will keep their distance by taking small steps between each shot and slowing opponents at critical moments." Ringo can be stopped by a ally with a "Stun as a first or second ability.
When teamfighting against Ardan, try to either Gauntlet Ringo by himself with enemies outside, or Ringo outside so that he can't deal damage to allies. |
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Joule |
Aslong as you time your fountains correctly, and cruicible, you should have an easy win |
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Glaive |
Glaive can be a tricky hero to face up against. Many different tactics in order to defeat a Glaive. I suggest gauntleting straight after his afterburn, TRUST ME |
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Vox |
YUCK! Its vox. Late game SUPERSTAR! Make sure to spread out, Gauntlet Vox BY HIMSELF , for maximum efficiency. |
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ARHH, SAW! Saw is a VERY easy hero to defeat with a stun on your team, stun him while he is supressing fire, no problem! DO NOT ENTER A TEAMFIGHT WHEN HE IS SPUN UP! |
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Krul |
Very easily countered, but must follow special tactics, scroll down for more information about vsing a Krul |
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