First guide :p Top
Hey guys this is my first guide so please leave feed back on what you think of it and maybe I'll make more:3 so thank you and enjoy.
Heroic Perk Top
Kruls heroic perk is really helpful if you know how and when to use it.
After staying in the grass for a bit he gains a speed boost and his attacks slow for a short time. It's great for rushing someone who's chasing your teammate or for ganking in the lane. So just utilize his perk and wreck people :p
Invading and ganking Top
Krul is a pretty weak early game character so instead of going for the level 1 invasion just take the first minions instead and hold off on invading. You can go up to the lane brush and starting ganking around level 4+ if you have another teammate with you. (Preferably level 6 for his ultimate) It's best to start invading around level 10+ where you'll start owning in team fights and holding your own. Bottom line is try to avoid fighting the other team until later on.
Krul is one of the best late game heroes.
Stratageys Top
Basically for krul you want to farm and level up as fast as possible to make yourself viable. Krul needs to stay close to his enemy, do this and you'll destroy everyone :D With this build you're meant to shiversteel them and then atlas so they wont have move speed or attack speed and then you just run over them. Primarily you'll be in the bush just waiting to pounce!
Another thing is that vision is key so always have a few scout traps on you just for that extra vision (: As i said above he has a great heroic perk so make sure you use it.
(Beware of heroes that can kite well)
Why this build? Top
I've tested other builds and none of them really worked for me, I've been working on this build to perfect it (n my eyes). Lots of kruls use breaking point, but honestly I prefer bonesaw, because it gives that little attack power, more attack speed, and it breaking through armor (stacks up to 5 times). Getting clockwork first is extremely important because its cheap but it allows you to farm much faster, spam your ability which lets you deal more damage and stay alive longer. Shiversteel and atlas are for defense and their slowing abilities. You can build up your boots at the pace you prefer (I personally keep mine at tier 2 for a while till at least shiversteel or atlas)
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