farm as fast as possible Top
in the avoid getting to close to enemy turrets and enemy bushes farm as fast and safe as possible go to a shop and buy your boots and heavy steel then buy a mine if possible and but on the enemy bush so you know when to back or to keep farming
start of the killing Top
once you get the sorrow blade buy a blazing salvo and a minions foot and start assasinating with your team suprise enemy with low armor and health with your crits but still stay away with enemy that can counter you in the early game ( krul,saw,ringo,taka, koshka)
going ham Top
once you got most of your item and already have a tanking items you can even go solo killing in the jungle or lane but still avoid going into bushes when all of them is missing or dont go too far and their side
unstoppable force of nature Top
when you get all of these items you can be unstoppable depends if the other team is good too. But still you can hold your own in battle and keep up against other damage dealer. To add more damage buy weapon infusion and get crazy and hype when they heep runningaway when they see you( but still look out for any hero with lockdown and and especially krul with high damage)
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