Hello, my name is Avvercus and this is my Catherine Roam build. The focus here is to completely zone out the jungle and create space for your carries to farm, find and gank the enemy team, and quickly/safely take objectives such as miners, turrets, and the Kraken. This build will allow you to help your jungler flash farm and own the entire jungle with aggressive vision. This build will also allow you to keep your team alive in the fight and give you the ability to easily solo the Kraken at the 15 minute mark
With Ironguard Contract in hand, one of 3 things should happen: 1) your laner helps you and your jungler kill the first jungle minion, giving you a head start over the enemy junglers
2) you and your jungler clear your small minion camp near the jungle shop first to prevent the enemy from stealing it
3) you and your jungler kill the enemies small minion camp before anything else
Option 1 is the safest, and allows you to make a good first jungle shop purchase
option 2 runs the risk of the enemy junglers attempting option 3 and getting the drop on you. Grab a Scout Trap instead of your Halcyon Potions if you want to be extra safe
Option 3 runs the risk of all 3 enemy heroes going for a level 1 jungle gank.
If you have an aggressive jungler, like Rona, keep Halcyon Potions and Scout Traps in hand as you storm the enemies side of the jungle and zone them out with pure intimidation. If you notice the enemy laner is missing, back off while placing Traps between the path laner is most likely to take to get to you.
Rush that Contraption as soon as possible. The AOE bonus damage to minions will have your jungler clearing camps like Sanic the Hedgehog. Always have contraption on cooldown. Trap every bush possible, focusing the ones straddling the lane, Gold Miner, and jungle shop. If you haven't seen an enemy for more than 10 seconds on your map, and there is no trap in a bush, flare it from far away before you and your jungler go near it. Keep your teammates informed and the enemy lit up.
One strategy to use early on is to place 3 Scout Traps on top of one another in a bush and have your jungler lie in wait. Bait the enemy junglers into said bush and stun as they walk over the traps. Each trap will do less damage than the last if the enemy is hit in quick succession, but the bonus damage will give you an edge and secure your jungler the kill.
If the enemy is pushing the lane, don't be hesitant to rotate to the lane bushes and wait. While your laner last hits, you'll continue to earn gold until the perfect time to land a stun on the overextended laner comes around.
Don't forget the Gold Miner. You should have traps placed near him to give you a heads up when the enemy tries to take him. Either gank and spank or wait to steal him.
If you find the enemy frequently escapes your ganks, build a Shiversteel. It will make you tanky and provide enough slow to secure your jungler the kill.
By now, you should have denied the enemy from ganking and fed your jungler nicely. If the enemy becomes more passive and focuses farming only their side of the jungle, It's time to push! With contraption, you can clear lane waves quickly and deal a large amount of damage to turrets despite your lack of offensive items. As you push, keep all gank paths trapped.
By now, you should have a Contraption, Fountain of Renewal, sprint boots, and a tier 2 defense item. If the enemy is heavy on weapon damage, begin building an Atlas. If the enemy is primarily crystal, grab an Aegis. If they have built armor or shield pierce, build a crucible. Once you've built one of these, decide whether or not the team needs you to contribute more damage. begin building a Breaking Point if this is the case, or focus more defense if you feel that will be more beneficial. Don't be scared to tank turrets to ensure their destruction.
Begin setting traps on the enemies side of the jungle around 13 minutes, to give you plenty of advanced warning they are headed to take the Kraken at the 15 minute mark
You should be there as soon as the Kraken spawns. Send your teammates to distract the enemy team by pushing the lane aggressively. With your previously set up traps, they should have advanced warning to back off before entering a 3v2 situation. This should be enough of a distraction for you to solo the Kraken. With Contraption and stormguard, you should be able to take her in 15-30 seconds, or even faster if you've build a breaking point as well. Push with the Kraken and pop your Warhorn if you build one to speed her up.
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