1. Obviously being a support character you want to grab ironguard so you don't piss your teammates off, but you want to grab an early stormguard banner. So don't worry about building defense, if you can upgrade your ironguard to a stormbanner asap, you are golden.
2. The reasoning for this is, you aren't going to have too many conflicts early game. Everyone will be in there own jungles/lane and you don't have to worry about doing damage to heroes or trying to survive, so if you get a stormguard in the first few minutes, you will be able to clear jungle much faster with your jungle teammate. Obviously cleaning the jungle as fast as possible is key to out leveling/building your opponents, which can sink the win.
3. After you get that and you start piling up the cash, you want to go for clockwork. Build towards it as fast as you can, because like the stormguard, you won't be getting into fights early game and you don't need those defensive items yet. Getting the clockwork will help your stuns cool down much quicker and you won't need to go back to home to regen on your mana. Essentially you'll be a stun gun and will be able to help gank the lane character with ease.
4. I personally like to take contraption after my clockwork because it's already half built, it gives you health regen, and it will help your teamm with vision all across the map situations, or just finish the team fight before it's started. Contraption is always good for a support character, and grabbing it early is essential.
5. Next I like to upgrade my boots to tier 2. This isn't important because Catherine's stun ability allows her to sprint for a short duration, and with the clockwork you can just keep using her stun ability to get around. But it is always nice having the health boost from the boots and just walking faster in general.
6. After that you have 2 choices, grab fountain of renewal, or get a crucible. IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE GAME. If your teammates are getting burst down and just all around losing team fights, get the fountain. This will allow you to save your teammates from low health and they will heal up while being able to fight. If your teammates are doing good and just barely surviving or getting hit by Ringo's ultimate, then get the crucible. This will let you protect you and your teammates from multiple abilities, major ones being Ringo's ultimate, Kashka's ultimate, Ardan's ultimate, Catherine's stuns, etc.
7. For your next item, just grab whichever item you didn't in the previous paragraph. So if you went with the crucible, get the fountain. If you got the fountain get crucible.
8. After that I like to grab a broken myth. This allows you to stack up crystal power on turrets, heroes, kraken, etc. This will allow you to burn down almost everything on the battlefield. Also it will help you win 1v3 situations (Which I have done).
This build can allow you to absolutely destroy every character on the field. I have personally 1v3'd a Kashka, Glaive, and Taka at the 30 minute mark. With Catherine's hero ability and stuns and the use of the contraption, you can usually take down any and everyone.
With Catherine being able to stun, it's a good idea to go for an early invade. Invading isn't really in the meta anymore, but your opponents will not expect it. Just ping that you want to go for an invade, and then target their jungle character
(NOT THE SUPPORT). If they also have a Catherine as a support character, then it's not a good idea to invade because you'll be on their turf and it will be easier for them to get away with her stuns. So just go for the invade only if they don't have a heavy stun character. (PS. Krul is extremely weak early game, so bullying him on the invade is easy.)
Stunning efficiently. If you are going against characters like Skaarf who have a huge AOE (Area of Effect) ult, you want to kind of save a stun for that. So in the late game if you guys are going into a team fight, it's more than likely Skaarf will have his ultimate to burn you alive, so kind save your opening stun for him. If you see Ringo powering up his ultimate to finish off an injured teammate, then stun him as fast as you can. This will cancel his ultimate and keep your teammate alive. If you can't stun him, or you just randomly see his fireball, activate your crucible. This will allow you to save a teammate. Other than that, just stun people who your teammates are targeting, or the major damage dealers. Also if you place tons of scout traps down with the contraption, it is useful to stun them on top of a huge pile of them.
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