The Definitive 4.13 CP Miho guide by Ristier-Steam

The Definitive 4.13 CP Miho guide

By: Ristier-Steam
Last Updated: Oct 6, 2020
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Build: The Definitive 4.13 CP Miho guide

Ability Path

Keen Eye
Heroic Perk

Disclaimer Top

This guide was made during the limbo state of the game, so take it with a grain of salt. This guide is also NOT a bible to the character. I implore you to try out different strategies and builds. This guide is also geared towards solo queue (the only viable way to play the game right now), so there aren't any complex team strategies. However, there are reactionary responses to teammates.

In this guide, I will not be explaining the basics of the abilities; you can find them in-game or on vainglory fire. I will also assume that you as a player has the drive and dedication to improve so that I won't be treating you like the average solo queue casual player (aka that 0/11/0 feeder).

I will also expect you to know how to control minion waves, play around objectives properly and place vision. If you don't know these concepts, you can find these concepts on youtube, and there are even more for games like League of Legends.

Miho Top

Miho can be played as a melee WP hyper carry or a mid-ranged CP team fight assassin; this guide will focus on the latter. Her abilities naturally give her a lot of mobility and utility and playing CP breathes life into that side of her. Unlike WP, you can get focused much more easily and open yourself up much more, therefore diving in will easily result in the fed late-game idiot getting one kill and die (even more so than WP).

Miho has terrible ganks so please try not to play her jungle.

Points to remember when playing Miho in general:

Your A has a startup. Therefore you are valuable for a short period of time even if you react in time. Try not to use her A as a way of avoiding an important stun like a Glave A (Afterburn) gank for example or at least don't wait for the last moment. Your A can also jump walls, so keep that in mind in escape situations.

Remember you can cancel your B by taping ult during your B. I have seen too many Miho players spam B at one minion or nothing at all. The longer you stay in your B stance, the more vulnerable you are, not to mention by lv 8 you might need the extra focus from cancelling your B than one extra B on a single minion. Cancelling is also a good way to poke once and get out of dodge, especially if your opponents are looking to kill you during your B.

If you get silenced during your B, lights out, you are dead. You can't use ANY of your abilities, so you are essentially stunned until the silence wears off. If the silence is a maxed Catherine Ult, well that's 2.5 seconds, so good luck.

Miho's B consumes focus, I know, and you know, but this isn't usually something you consider. However, this becomes extremely important in the mid to late game (lv 6 - 12). Assuming both teams are competent likelihood it is that you might need to use your ult midway through your fight, and remember her ult requires 35 focus. Because of this, you have to keep this in mind.

Your ult also deletes projectiles, so if you find yourself on the other end of Ringo's ult, you can ult back and delete the Hellfire Brew. This also works for your teammates so that you can save them from certain doom too.

Game Plan/ Match Up Top

Here is where we get to the nitty-gritty and the part I find most players lack in.

Early to Mid Game

You are weak level 1. As much as her passive might suggest, you are extremely weak at lv 1. Assuming your opponent isn't brain dead, against melee duelists such as Blackfeather or Alpha you will lose and lose hard. Against ranged WP carries or mages you get kited easily, as you have to stand still to use your B. You lack both sustained damage and mobility lv 1. AKA don't pick fights 1v1 lv 1.

Try as hard as possible to play side lanes, in the mid lane, your cooldowns are too lengthy, and you will get poked out early and lose lane.

When you are buying your starting items, you should consider who you might face in the lane. Buy items according to the worst-case scenario. These worse case scenarios being long-range poke mages. With Skaarf and Warhark being the worse matchups. Strangely enough, you shouldn't struggle with SAW at all, you outrange him with your B, and as long as you don't idiotically greed for farm in his kill zone, you will be fine.

Boots can be a great buy if you know you can secure an early kill against a good matchup or if you feel that you will get camped by their jungle.

You want to shove lane as hard as possible, so keeping track of the enemy jungle and having good vision is very important. Because of your huge mobility with your A, you can get out of ganks quite easily, even if they pop boots. Against ranged enemies, you can shove all you usually want if you keep getting good trades. Against melee is a different story they most likely have built eulogies, so your poke is much less effective against them.

When you can win lane, you should look to roam to mid to deal a bunch of damage to their mid laner and roam back. If your mid laner is pulling their weight, you can just A in and burst their mid laner down. You don't actually have to secure a kill, just putting your opponents on the back foot is often all your teammates need.

Late Game

In the late game, you are not the person who dives in and get a pentakill. Your job is to find openings to poke their squishies or apply debuffs. Keep in mind that you die extremely fast, and most players will focus you first if you engage for your team.

You will mainly be using your A for repositioning; you maxed your B and Ult, not A so you won't get a cooldown reset when you proc a unguard. You also have to be careful with your B usage in the late game, as you are dedicating yourself to standing still for a whole second minimum (cancel B often). An example is a Krul flinging his ult at you after one B slash.

You will want to try to use your ult either a engage tool, securing kills or as an Uno reverse card. When using it to engage you are either looking to shave a massive amount of health off of their squishies or forcing a Crucible pop. When securing kills, you have to act fast as they are likely already running the hell away, great targets are enemies that have already popped their boots or healing flask. Don't even bother if they don't have a minimum of 300 gold bounty on their head or they are completely irrelevant. Using Miho's ult as an Uno reverse counter engage is easily the most flashy and game-changing. When you are looking for this, you will be looking to delete important, engage ults like a Gwen ult or a dangerous Vox ult.

Combos and Execution Top

Lv 1 Combo
Auto > B,B,B,B > Auto

Pre Lv 6 Mid Range
B,B,B,B (atleast 2 hit) > A > Auto

Pre Lv 6 Long Range Engage
A > B,B,B,B > Boot > Auto

Pre Lv 8 Ult Engage
Ult > A > Auto > B,B,B,B

Post Lv 8 Ult Engage
Ult > B,B > A > Auto x 4 > B,B,B,B

Post Lv 8 Ult Poke
Ult > B,B > wait for 50 focus > B,B

Post Lv 8 Full Combo
B,B > Ult > A > Auto x 4 > B,B,B,B

This guide is not final I will be adding more later. Top

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