Always start with an energy battery and some potions, if your team wishes to invade, caution them unless your with a koshka or krul, they are good early game heroes. Then go behind them. But invading isn't as effective as you think. I prefer to chill in the lane and farm it up until around 1500 gold, preferably 1700. That gets you boots, a heavy prism, and your void battery plus more potions, don't trust my math though. Now you may have noticed the wierd abilities choice around level 5 and 6. Here's a tip a lot of people don't know. Say with Celeste, her core collapse is mainly a utility stun, so it doesn't need leveled that much. So when you hit level five, Don't drop a point in your core collapse, wait for your level six and you can get your ult and Heliogenisis leveled higher. Very helpful! By now you should have your shatterglass and clockwork. Begin working on your crucible, because Celeste is the most squishy character in the game. This will give a lot of sustain and some support for your team. Now with items after this, if you are dominating and chasing down enemies a lot, grab a frostburn, but if you are losing or it is tied, get your broken myth first. This scales very well with your Heliogenisis stars. And of course your ult! Some tips on using your ult to snipe: If you select your ult and don't use it, you can slide your minimal to view a specific location, and you'll find the edge of white circle locating where the boundary is, tap wherever in the boundary you want your ult to go, rather than guessing where to shoot those stars! In team fights, you will want to be in the back, spamming your stars every second or two. You can dish out damage like crazy if the other team is grouped up. You can use your ult to initiate as well, if you know where the other team is in a bush perhaps. Build boots or more defense as you see fit. See you on the halcyon fold!
PS This is my first build, so if there are any mistakes, tell me! Im Hotness Silver as of now btw and this is my main carry I use.
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