Taka is a flexible hero, with high speed and high damage, so Crystal Power would be great for his abilities and easy to finish weak enemies within a short time.
When i first used Taka i usually start with Weapon Power and it works perfectly, but now I got take down by enemies a lot after i am level 20. So how about trying the CP Taka and his incredibly burst damage. I first known that it works a lot when Taka use CP, his 2nd ability, Kaku heals a lot more quicker. So i would create this guide for you guys to see, since players really like using CP. I hope you enjoy the build.
When fighting against enemies with high health, you need teammates to cover you so thatyou can defeat a tank.
I reccomend buying some piercing items like Piercing Spear, Piercing Shard to pierce through enemies' armor and shields.
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