Notice Top
Now for the record, I consider early game to be start to mining, early-mid to be from that to 7-8 min, mid to be from that to lvl 12, and end to start at 18-25 min. I am in somewhat lower ranks (tier 2 silver), so if you are in some higher ranks, looking to start on Taka, this might not be the best guide for you. This is just what works for me.
Early to midgame Top
Towards the early game, put emphasis on first improving his attack speed inorder to clear more jungle camps while still maintaining health. After that, build battery first and then hourglass so you can travel between camps with Kaku to maintain full Ki across battles. From that, build clockwork and travel boots to assist in some early ganks if the enemy ever does a early team push (again, low ranks). After that, build aftershock and harvest to maximize your efficiency should you choose to invade or gank regularly. Also, during this time, place scout traps in jungle camps so you can make clutch escapes later in the game. I usually drop the two shooters when I run out of space towards building up components for endgame items.
Endgame Top
Towards endgame, I guild travel into journey and broken myth to make team engagements, turret pushes, and kraken fights all the more easier. Depending on the situation after that, I build my last item accordingly. If we are pushing turrets and just maintaining momentum, I might go for a defensive item depending on the enemy's build. If neither team pulls any consistent pushes with momentum, I'll build something that complements my abilities or my other items to pull the match into my team's favor. If we are getting pushed, I might do a mix, delaying broken myth in favor of more burst or defense to counter the enemy's playstyle inorder to disrupt their momentum.
For core items, I put emphasis on Journey Boots, Eve of Hravest, Aftershock, and Broken Myth for Taka's style of playing. Unlike other assasins who target the weakened and retreating, I play more of a general attack style, being able to jump into team fights or chases and dissrupt the enemy's engagement and do a lot of dammage. With the Aftershock ability, Taka can use his combos to punish those who build straight high health, granting the ability to counter tanky carries in team fights. Taka can initiate with X-Retsu, and an aftershock before either doing a quick Kaiten combo or, if you are not that squishy compared to them, Kaiten to counter any status effects. After that, if the battle is more against you, Kaku out to heal, circle around, and reinitiate with X Retsu, getting lifesteal from Harvest, and then (hopefully) finish him off. If his health is far higher or the enemy team comes, Kaku and Journey boots in conjunction can very effectively hasten your escape and distance yourself from the group.
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