This is the build for people who want to truly play the support role with Catherine. I recommend this build for those who are with teammates that have high damage output, or for people with 2 laning teammates. The object is not necessarily to get kills (which is still quite possible), but rather to be a team player and rack up the assists. This is actually a really fun build to use and I get a satisfying feeling with every assist that I get.
In the Beginning
for every match, start with an ironguard contract and a potion or two, then head into the jungle. Focus on killing any monsters that you can, while keeping an eye on the lane. Feel free to go for a quick potshot with your merciless pursuit, as you will begin to stack up armor. As soon as you can buy a stormguard banner, DO IT! it will dramatically increase your farming ability, as well as your ability to capture miners later on. Continue farming and make sure not to overextend into enemy jungle, remember that your damage won't be very high.
Mid Game Tactics
By now, you should be at least level 7 and have one or two max items, I reccomend Warhorn and Travel Boots first, but you can do any of the core items are fine. Here is a tip that I have found very useful that can be critical information early on,
Do NOT buy Journey Boots unless you have at least 4 or 5 of your other maxed items first. The reason for this is that with your 900 gold, you are buying 50 health, 25 shield, 25 armor, and Health Regen. Early game that gold could and should be put to better use on other items. Now back to tactics, You also might begin to work towards one of your situation items, as by now you should have a general feel for how the enemy is building their characters. You can be a little bolder in your ventures, as wit Warhorn and boots you have a means of escape. Always remember to hit enemies with merciless pursuit whenever possible, and defend your half of the jungle. Always be aware of enemy position, help teammates get kills or save them when possible.just know your limits and don't be stupid, it's bad enough for them to get a kill, but two is even worse.
Release the Kraken!
Alright, so by minute 15-17 try to be either level 11 or 12 and have 2-3 maxed items. This is when you begin to notice all of the benefits to having the core items of Boots, Warhorn, Frostburn , and Crucible. Try to stick with a teammate who can deal moderate damage, and and roam with them, splitting any profits to be a good teammate. Don't be afraid to initiate fights that you know are winnable and keep enemies in fights with your stun. If they try to flee, use either Journey boots or Warhorn to allow for your team to keep up with them and get extra kills. This is when you really need to be aware of enemy builds and positioning- the last thing you want to happen is for them to capture the Kraken. For countering the enemy builds, consider the followings:
What are your teammates building?
Who is causing the most problems for you?
Are they going offense or defense?
Crystal power or Weapon power?
After considering those, choose 2 of the following items based on these conditions: If your team is really lacking in damage or you feel as though you just aren't hurting anybody, Then you can get a
Sorrowblade. If your team as a whole can't damage the others or you want faster teamkills, then you might want to invest in a
Shatterglass is just a general item that can give you more powerful abilities; I reccomend using one only if you also use one of the following two items. To make yourself even tankier while also providing some offense,
Eve of Harvest is definately fun to use, especially when you basically only use abilities in fights. Since you should already have a Frostburn in your build to help secure kills, an
Alternating Current can be nice in providing a boost in damage for an overall low damaging character. If all you want to do is use your abilities for almost constant stunning and being highly disruptive and annoying, [b
]Clockwork[/b] would suit you perfectly. For those who either find themselves dying constantly, or your teammates are, a
Fount of Renewal can really turn the tide of a battle and keep your teammates alive in those evenly matched fights. Fighting against a team who has gone all Crystal can be annoying, but an
Aegis is a quick fix for that and also will provide an activated effect similar to Crucible, but just for you.
Atlas Pauldron is, in my opinion, a highly underappreciated item that can really be a lifesaver in certain situations. The key is to remember which heroes to use it against, the heroes that generally use some attack speed items are: SAW, Ringo, Krul, and Skaarf.
Shiversteel, Use this as an alternative for Crucible if your team doesn't really need Reflex Block. This is a good item for Catherine when combined with Merciless Pursuit and Frostburn, making it almost impossible to escape you and your teammates.
End Game
By the end, It is really down to who can kill the other team first and get an Ace. This is where you come in. Silence the entire enemy team with your ultimate, then target the weakest player with your merciless pursuit. Your job is to keep them near your team so they can get the kills. If you play it right and have somewhat decent allies or friends, this should be easy for you guys.
Catherine is a really fun and useful hero for your team, as long as she is used to compliment her abilities and make a tanky crystal hero who focuses more on containing enemy heroes and preventing any escape. In the right hands, she can be a devastating force on the battlefield and a deciding factor in determining a winner and loser in a match. I thank you for reading and hope you find some use from this build. Feel free to comment for suggestions and feedback, and See you on the Fold!
Here are some games I've played with this build
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
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