Making a guide for any support is hard, but it is particularly hard for fortress because almost all of his item choice boil down to counter building. That leaves your abilities, and good timing on your abilities (especially you A) is what makes a good fortress.
My goal in this guide is to teach you how to stay aggressive and play to fortress's strengths, while also keeping your team alive and out of harms way. Remember, the best way to stay alive is to kill your enemies
-I still think the best item in the game is fountain. being able to heal your team is an amazing ability that nobody besides adagio has without fountain. Thats why I almost always build it. It also gives shield against CP.
-Atlas is the only tam wide defense against WP. However, it isn't the great team item. Thats why I recommend it against attack speed and not WP
-Crucible is what I choose over atlas simply because it has a larger range. Fortress should be in the middle of the enemy, which means his atlas wont always hit the taka blowing up your carry, but crucible will.
-Contraption is an "icing on the cake" type of item. its great if you can get it, but dont waste money on it if you dont already have all your core items you should ignore it.
-aftershock this is the only offensive item I ever build on fortress, and if you get far enough into a game that you get all 6 items (as a support without stealing farm from your jungler) then that must be a very long game
-clockwork is good to keep switching up the target. If you get clockwork then max you ult instead of your B. The reason I don't normally max it is because I am spam happy and it takes a huge chunck of energy. If you are better at conserving energy go ahead and max it instead of B.
you should always be the irongaurd wielder. take the first it and let the enemy take the last. Your A ability allows for rapid jungle clear. After two cycles you should be clearing your jungle fast enough that you have to wait for camps to re spawn. Because of this I like to go around my jungle twice, the head into the lane. your primary goal there is to heavily damage the enemy laner to the point that they cant participate in a team fight. wait till they near/cross the half way line, then pounce with your team. Dont chase into the turret for the kill. get all three if your teamates to invade the enemy jungle, starting with the big minion neat the kraken pit. Because the enemy laner cant do much, if you time it right, you should be able to take the full enemy jungle (assuming the enemy jungle clears normally, the inner big camp will be spawning as you get to it, so you will pick up the enemy jungle clear right on time to take them all). It is important to put a mine in your tri bush so that the enemy junglers cant counter steak yours.
The above gank strategy works well untill about 10 minuets in. After that the enmy lanner should be bulky enough to avoid the semi-ganks. That means that you have to
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